【カッコいい】Can Omega Beat Rolex At Its Own Game? | Watchfinder & Co.


Can Omega Beat Rolex At Its Own Game? | Watchfinder & Co.のタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
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  1. Full of Mischief より:

    3:20 look at this. One of these is made for a wrist, the other is a the size of a cock ring. Rolex, stop being pansies and make a man’s watch.

  2. Full of Mischief より:

    Daytona is still too small. Made for some fabled hobbit rather than a modern man.

  3. cubex68 より:

    Rolex should totally get rid of text Officially Certified on the dial but they will not coz Rolex care shite about the customers

  4. d4n0wnz より:

    I want the daytona, but its too expensive 🙁 But the speedmaster racing also looks very nice.

  5. TheMystro1971 より:

    Had the Daytona before they were hot (even got a discount). Wore way too small and traded it back to my dealer for a TT Sub. It really wears like a unisex sized watch and why so many ladies wear the Daytona. Today the Omega movement is much better than the Rolex chronograph movement in every technical way. The Daytona movement is nothing special and might even be considered “outdated” and Lott;e know fact that the markers are actually wrong on the Daytona. Daytona owners don’t seem to care about these shortcomings and I would bet they don’t even know how to use a tachometer. The crown is really the most important feature and why the Daytona’s bragging rights are what their owners are really after.

  6. Mark Colby より:

    In 20 years, tell me which one will be worth more vs original purchase price? Look at 2000 Seamaster vs. Submariner.

  7. Grimshaw Grummage より:

    the daytona proportions are way better

  8. Jannos Santana より:

    The Omega is beautiful but it’s gigantic!! A clock! I’ll stick with my vintage Omeegas!

  9. Diego M より:

    Two great watches, i ve both brands, the moonwatch and the hulk, in this case i think the Rolex would be my choice

  10. Franziska Kolb より:

    *_Nice watch. Band is fairly easy to size and looks good.◓◓>_**_imgs.love/RolexDweller?O41_**_ Not very bright in the dark but good watch for the money._*