【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster 38 Wristshot / Small Wrists

Omega Speedmaster 38 Wristshot / Small Wrists

Omega Speedmaster 38 Wristshot / Small Wristsのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。


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  • コロナ渦のなかで椎名林檎さんのギプスを初めて聴いて刺さりました。 全然恋もしてないのに。(笑)


    回答受付中質問日時:2024/4/17 9:14回答数:4閲覧数:42



  1. CocainCowboy より:

    2:25 yeah i also think the 42mm Speedmaster might be a bit too big, but the 38mm fits u like a glove! 🙂

  2. Pat D より:

    I’ve got a 6.5inch wrist too man, you gotta own it! Not everyone has to have these giant hambone ass wrists like all of these fat dudes on here have. If anyone ever makes fun of it, just let them know that the missing inches from your wrist were given somewhere else

  3. Tomer Eckhous より:

    I got 6.5 inches wrist size, pretty normal, great video

  4. goodi1985 より:

    Thank you for making these videos!! It‘s super helpful for us girls :-). I have a 16 cm wrist and just love larger watches. It‘s awesome to have an idea how they would look on me. Could you ever make a video comparing the Speedy 38, BB58 and the ceramic Sub?! That would be super helpful ;-)!!!

  5. Lord Bargons より:

    Hello, my wrist is 17,5cm (7 inches approximately..). Do you think I could wear this “baby Speedmaster”?

  6. Peter Moss より:

    38mm Speedy is perfect for your wrist width, the 39mm Tudor is a bit too long for your wrist, IMHO. Thank you for making this video.

  7. 1000lightyrs より:

    That Tudor looks like a piece of shit compared to that Omega! And this is coming from someone who just bought a Ranger and LOVES it.

  8. Rhett Redelings より:

    I also have very small wrists, and have been considering this particular Speedmaster, in part because of that. This video was very helpful to me. Thank you!

  9. Kai Soerfjord より:

    What do you think about its thickness, do you ever wish it was a mm thinner, like the reduced?

  10. Swiggeh より:

    Appreciate you following up with this video kind sir.
