
WORLD ORDER “IMPERIALISM”です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

worldorder,world order,インペリアリズム,imperialism,ワシントンのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. Leopard 3402 より:

    0:35 lol those officers were intrigued by them

  2. はるひろ より:


  3. nekto20 より:

    МужЧИНА обещал отдать власть женЩИНЕ, но немного обманул. Теперь женЩИНА взяла власть обманом. Когда же до всех дойдёт, что они оба СУМАСШЕДШИЕ убийцы?

  4. Kyle Russo より:

    Japanese pet shop boys 😁

  5. Endereço Criativo より:


  6. John Lannon より:

    I happened to find this group on YouTube. They are very very talented. They work hard on their craft.

  7. Sojourner より:

    Though their works appear well made with good intentions, their political background is very pro-communism and the extreme left. Don’t be fooled.

    This group’s metamessaging is ironic in so many ways. It is ironic that they satirize America and its ‘Imperialism’, while it was Imperial Japan that bombed Pearl Harbor first, not to mention how Imperial Japan massacred, extorted, tortured millions of Korean and Chinese throughout the 1900’s whom they regarded as ‘beasts and animals’ compared to the superior race of the Japanese. It is ironic that they fail to mention that it was Imperial Japan whose soldiers and rulers that invaded and occupied Manchuria and Korea and raped their women and raped the land of its resources – in my view, what US did in Cuba is but miniscule compared to what Imperial Japan did to the rest of the world.

    It is ironic that they portray America in negative light while failing to acknowledge the very freedom they (the so-called-artist group) are permitted by the very democratic institution whose ideas originated from America and other democratic Western nations.

    Irony is also not lost in their MV filmed in communist China, in which their usual sarcasm and satire becomes almost non-existent in a bland video that they title ‘Quiet Happiness’ – its as if they decided to shut their usual satirical mouths and stay quiet before the Chinese communist party, ignoring the government’s genocide program being executed on Uyghurs, whose millions of women are extorted to have forced abortions, not to mention imprisonment for even expressing political dissent.

    Why didn’t they mention about the organ harvesting program in communist China where government is suspected of threatening and actually carrying out organ harvesting from those who merely express political views that are not pro-government???

    But no, upsetting the communist Communist party is not what this group wishes to do.

    FACT: Unlike modern Germany whose people eventually embraced and acknowledged their forefathers’ wrong-doings and their marred history, with its faults and all, most Japanese people, including this group, conveniently turn a blind eye to their dark history of imperialism and the evils its forefathers committed – textbooks used in Japanese schools omit far too much of the evil deeds committed by Imperial Japan and fail to bring to light all of the details of Japan’s dark history. In fact, instead of portraying Imperial Japan’s invasion into China and Korea as what it actually is, they conveniently drop ‘invasion’ and merely state that they saw how given Japan’s technological advancements compared to other nations, it was only their duty to ”help” neighboring nations.

    People watching this group’s works should understand that this group fail to portray how privileged they are to live in a democratic nation and how precious their freedom is.

    FACT: If this group’s members were Chinese instead, and if they made a similar MV about communist China the way they did with ‘Imperial America’, the entire group as well as the members’ families would at the very least be kept under solitary confinement and imprisoned indefinitely without any trial (or at least not a truly fair one) until they become broken enough to say ‘I am sorry, what I said was wrong’.

  8. ThiccBlooded より:

    Also the fact they got the video of our flag in distress… shits real.

  9. ThiccBlooded より:

    2021… Yea ….. its the paradigm

  10. ぺり より:
