【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster Professional Mark II ST145.014 Vintage Omega Speedmaster Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Professional Mark II ST145.014 Vintage Omega Speedmaster Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Professional Mark II ST145.014 Vintage Omega Speedmaster Watch Reviewのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
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  1. lisiy swinya より:

    May I know the part number of the mineral glass?

  2. gambee より:

    One of the best examples I’ve seen. Shame I’m a year late.

  3. Juan Carlos Oviedo より:

    En español

  4. Tetlee より:

    Leather can be ok on the MK2, but needs to be either 22 or 24mm and notched imo, 20mm looks too weedy.

  5. Dmitry Fishbeyn より:

    I want to email you little Asian woman to fix your hands. Gas station job on the side?

  6. William Stalvey より:

    That watch needs an Omega ss band asap. Leather is useless

  7. Lester Loves Watches より:

    Much more comfortable than the ‘mark 1’ (I know it’s not called that). A bit expensive sans bracelet though.

  8. David Datura より:

    My favorite vintage Omega model.

  9. TheRunningManZ より:

    This is now a mission. Gonna cut and paste dailly until someone wakes the eff up…

    One day you are going to make the “shop this watch” link actually work. The links don’t work and I can’t cut and paste it on my phone.

    I’ve mentioned it several times. Please put https:// in front of the links so they work. Please!!! I wanted to check the year of this model. I have bought from you in the past. You’re making it harder for people to check these watches because your links in the vid description DO NOT WORK!

  10. JogBird より:

    watch needs a refinishing asap
