【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster Chronoscope SS 329. Omega Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Chronoscope SS 329. Omega Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Chronoscope SS 329. Omega Watch Reviewのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
luxury watch,pre-owned watch,Tim Mosso,watchbox,buy sell trade,watch reviewのタグが設定されています。


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  1. Jason Stroppa より:

    How do you do these in one take?

  2. A K より:

    Is it lumed?

  3. Time to Watch より:

    There are so many things wrong with this video that I don’t know where to begin now. You wrongly stated that it has a step dial and you yet again stated (as you have so many other times with Omega’s 9 series movements) that the beat rate is “25,200 vibrations per hour” when in fact, the beat rate is 28,800. You need to be ousted from YouTube for stating non factual things. It’s unbelievable and incredible at the same time that you have as many followers as you do. The people that follow your channel either have no watch knowledge whatsoever and or they are sheep. Also, why do you not put the watch on properly? Are your wrists that small where you have to hold it on with the other hand as you’re trying them on without your other hand in the way? I’ve seen you do that oddly enough with rubber strap watches where you can adjust it yourself on the fly. You’re a very strange character.

  4. V より:


  5. Nammis より:

    this watch looks like a watch that would be standard issue for the United Nations soldier

  6. Мэддисон и Ко より:

    Omg why they couldn’t add this push slider to originally moonwatch?!!!!!! Omg rly

  7. OBK より:

    I wish my moon watch came with that bracelet why make the same thing for the moon watch and not have the micro adjustment.

  8. Alonso Aguirre より:

    might get this one with the blue strap

  9. 1000lightyrs より:

    Agreed, this is really a special one from the house of Omega!

  10. Alvaro Llanza より:

    they should have used a different case design, perhaps the FOIS
