【オススメ】The Plainest Lodge Room that Ever Was! #masonic #art #freemason 🧐

The Plainest Lodge Room that Ever Was! #masonic #art #freemason 🧐

The Plainest Lodge Room that Ever Was! #masonic #art #freemason 🧐です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. Adrian Bradley より:

    I live in South Co Londonderry Northern Ireland. Although I am an Orange Royal Arch Purple, Royal and Black Institution Lecturer I am not a Freemason. I believe this painting depicts a conferal of a Blue Lodge degree. I have read up on numerous Fraternal Orders including Freemasonry. I will be in the USA at the International Royal Black Institution Lectures’ Conference and MIGHT get a chance to visit the Washington House Of The Temple.

  2. SteelWolf13 より:

    Now thats true…”Simping”. Had to do it. Love me a good or BAD dad joke. Hey. Did you know that people who care for chickens are literal chicken tenders?

  3. DreamSteam より:

    Beautiful paintings…. and so full of live!

  4. Nigel Kavanagh より:

    I sit in one that’s formed 1776 curran 532. And still has original banner for parades and such displayed in a beautiful case 8′ x6′.

  5. Felix Kamkala より:


  6. sky art 32 より:


  7. Sgt. Grinch より:


  8. William Stephen Jackson より:

    I love the old lodges. We have a great one here in Plano, Texas.
