Should Christians be Freemasons or is it a Cult?
Should Christians be Freemasons or is it a Cult?です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
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U cant be Christian and Freemason at the same time.
you are discommunicated from the church instantly
2:08 when you said rituals you could have ended the video right there.
They are luciferians, but that is only revealed after the 30th degree!!!
The masonic order dates back to the time to Solomon.
Good Evening, i have a question for anyone reading this. The church i was attending is renting out a space for church at a Mansonic temple have been for a while now..A few people said they felt some way about it and some don’t. I would like your thoughts on the situation..please you all thank you and God Bless!
Have you denounced ?
absolute cult . believe in multiple gods. three books at all meetings different religions. there is but one christ lord and one way into heaven. Allen P a smart man he knows this. thanks for bringing peoples awareness higher. master level in part you denounce christ. avoid at all costs if you love Jesus and follow his truth.
Allen didn’t mention that to become a free mason, you must take an oath. A sworn statement which is certainly unGodly. It’s also satanic!
All secret societies are evil. Why hide any aspect or behavior or ritual of a group without knowing it is unholy.
This video uses its mere understanding of a society it does not know fully about to discredit its work to build a community of inclusiveness. Why do you reject your brother just because he does not share the same belief as you do? What do you stand to gain from asking people to not be together just because they were born into different cultures and have been raised differently. And it is really sad that people allow themselves to be led astray by fear and differences. I am taken aback. The world is in a state of turmoil due to people trying to justify their own fears and emotional projections. And from a religion with a history of atrocities, rape and war, I find this video very hypocritical. Your version of Christianity is not universal. Not to talk about your race and where your roots are from. Please stop this.