[Recommendation]Teeth straightening alternative to braces | Odontika

Teeth straightening alternative to braces | Odontika. This page has Teeth straightening,alternative to braces,straighten teeth,Crowded teeth,clear aligners,dental clinic,odontika of Tag information.

teeth straightening is need for you.

A typical treatment for incorrectly positioned teeth (malocclusion) takes about 1 to 3 years to complete, with braces being altered slightly every 4 to 10 weeks by the specialists called orthodontists.

Orthodontists are dental specialists who are University trained in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental and facial irregularities.

There are several specialty areas in dentistry, but the specialty of orthodontics was the first to be recognized within dentistry.

Specifically, the American Dental Association recognized orthodontics as a specialty in the 1950s. Each country has their own system for training and registering orthodontic specialists.

Teeth straightening with clear aligners. Clear aligners are the invisible way to straighten teeth without braces.

Orthodontic treatment in Vilnius | Dental clinic Odontika
Invisible teeth straightening with clear aligners using 3D technologies. Wire-free system, no metal gluing to the teeth most advanced orthodontic treatment.

Cases when treatment with transparent aligners is applied:

Crowded teeth;
Teeth with gaps in between;
A deep occlusion, or a large overlap of the upper front teeth;
A straight bite, with a mandible that is too big;
A cross-bite occlusion;
A central line of the dental arches that does not match.
Teeth straightening using clear aligners can give you the smile you have always dreamt about. For many years, braces were the only option; however, as a result of the continuous developments in dentistry we can now offer a teeth straightening service without any discomfort.

Fixed appliances are, for example, used to rotate teeth that don’t fit the arch shape of the other teeth, to move multiple teeth to different places, to change the angle of teeth, or to change the position of the root of the tooth.

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