【カッコいい】Should You Buy an Omega Speedmaster in 2020?

Should You Buy an Omega Speedmaster in 2020?

Should You Buy an Omega Speedmaster in 2020?のタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
Omega,Speedmaster,Moonwatch,Luxury,Timepiece,Wrist Watchのタグが設定されています。


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  1. Bob Schwartz より:

    In the early 80s I worked in a jewelry store that carried Omega watches. Our cost was 50% of retail. Back then the Speedmaster retailed for $395. Hard to believe. Because I was employed by a dealer, I was entitled to an additional 20% discount by Omega. I paid $158 for my Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch. My only regret is that I didn’t buy two dozen of them

  2. Ross Blasingame より:

    I just bought a Casio at the Tractor store. Not fancy but I know when it’s time for dinner.

  3. jrad044 より:

    If they fully replace the current model and make co-axial standard (even with hesalite) that will technically be the death of the Speedmaster.

    It will be pre-moon, 321, 861/1861 and then modern co-axial and people will say buy a lightly used 1861 from 2015-2021 for the last produced real moon watch.

    The moment they add hacking seconds or co-axial it’s not a proper Speedmaster anymore and the classic version will be dead – also the value of old models will skyrocket as people start to panic that it’s technically been replaced.

  4. Bryan Allison より:

    Hamilton Shitttaaaaaa

  5. Pablo Murf より:

    Should I sell my speedy and buy a rolex batman?….

  6. YORME TV より:

    win-win, another good reason to tell wifey why I need another watch after buying the previous model lol

  7. David Marskell より:

    At the end of the day it comes down to this: It is very easy to argue that the Speedmaster is the most iconic, easily legible, practical, rugged, and flat out best mechanical watch ever made, and very difficult to argue that it isn’t. If that weren’t enough, consider its price point in the luxury brand market compared to other brands.

  8. Gustav tingelöf より:

    The Speedmaster Tokyo 2020 olympic editions have the updated clasp with micro adjustments so I think that will just roll in without much fuss

  9. Arbiter Of Reason より:

    The 321 is like £11,000

  10. Mark Espie より:

    A few questions.
    What is the advantages of purchasing from an AD?
    Do you get a 5 year warranty from all shops ?
    What discount should you expect?
    (UK BASED)
    Much appreciate any help.
