【カッコいい】THIS Is The Ultimate SPEEDMASTER | Omega Speedmaster Apollo 8 Review | Jenni Elle

THIS Is The Ultimate SPEEDMASTER | Omega Speedmaster Apollo 8 Review | Jenni Elle

THIS Is The Ultimate SPEEDMASTER | Omega Speedmaster Apollo 8 Review | Jenni Elleのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
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  1. tryura より:

    3:17 “For the first time in 1986 Aldrin, Collins and Armstrong were the first humans on their Apollo 8 mission…”
    Apollo 8 mission (orbiting the Moon) happened in 1968 and featured three other astronauts: Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders.
    Apollo 11 (the Moon landing) happened 7 months later.
    EDIT: 7 months, not 3 years, my math is not at its best on Saturday. Thanks @Gary Loeb for pointing out.

  2. darloal より:

    Hi Jenni, can you advise where your friend got the folding clasp from or its serial number – I
    Love it! Thanks, big fan al! 👍🏻

  3. David Marskell より:

    I think it’s a beautiful watch and I agree on most of your points. I’ve owned a lot of Speedmasters over the years and have one now. My only complaint as such (and this is a personal observation) is I find a hand wind watch a bit of a pain as a daily wearer. Your mileage may vary.

  4. Peter Bruzzese より:

    Hi Jenni – do you think the Omega Speedmaster “Dark side of the moon” Apollo 8 will become a classic? Thanks!

  5. Uzair Qureshi より:

    Got mine yesterday 🤩

  6. Ty Elders より:

    Definitely the ultimate speedmaster. Too large for my 7 inch wrist but the design, crown, movement, and overall watch make it the best of the speedy’s. For now my Speedy auto date will have to do

  7. Russel Roth より:

    Would love to know the part number for that Omega clasp on the Apollo 8

  8. Taywi より:

    I don’t really get why people knock the Speedy for its water resistance when 50m is way deeper than your average individual will ever get close to

  9. Karl Ng より:

    they say if you take every single edition of the speed master and put them in a line they will reach the moon.

  10. Jesus Christ より:

    Easier to mange and better time management and more time for human to focus on research and development. I always believed in setting aside budget for reaserch purposes.
