【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster 3511.50 Review

Omega Speedmaster 3511.50 Review

Omega Speedmaster 3511.50 Reviewのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
omega,omega speedmaster,speedy,reverse panda speedy,reverse panda,3511.50,speedmaster moon watch,omega review,watches,swiss wwatch,black diak watchのタグが設定されています。


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  1. SoCal Watch Reviews より:

    Thank you to everyone that’s supported the channel. Hope you enjoy this review and let me know what you think!

  2. unorthodoxebonix より:

    I miss owning this watch. The next time I get one, I’ll put more of an emphasis on finding one in crisp condition like yours. Mine was a decent example for $1300 on crown and caliber, but I’ll be willing to pay more for a clean one down the line

  3. Watch You Know より:

    I love Omega. However, on this one you are right… scratch magnet.

  4. C Perez より:

    Nice vid! Just acquired a 3511.50 and I specifically wanted it with the Valjoux 7750 movement because it is so reliable and extremely accurate. On my timegrapher, it varies about 0-+1 sec/day with 0.0 beat error! Astounding performance! I’ve been collecting for over 30 years and this is a hands down awesome watch! Yeah the professional is very collectible but unless you’re planning to circle the moon in a space capsule, you’ll appreciate the sapphire crystal, automatic function, and date feature for every day use!

  5. Eduardo Cunha より:

    Great content and video! Top review! Where did you get the straps from? (Can’t find links in the description) take care

  6. Duy Nguyen より:

    beautiful! I just got my speed master racing yesterday 🙂 agreed that it will have memories to share after covid… do you leave the chrono on all the time or just leave it at the 12? I like the sweep, but don’t want to ruin the watch.

  7. Charles Smith より:

    The people who don’t like the Speedmaster Reduced as opposed to the Speedmaster Professional are just trying to suck the life out of the hobby for other people. Buy what you like and can afford and fuck the haters. May they all get Covid-19 and die.

  8. dennis barria より:

    I have the same great watch. Where did you buy the straps?

  9. Rod Salvador より:

    Congratulations on the Speedy! A month ago I started my collection with a Seiko 5, then a Mercer, and on a lark a threw an offer and won a rather rare champagne dial Speedy Reduced! The watch addiction is real!! In any event, I also don’t really care what the ‘purists’ say about what constitutes a proper Speedy. What matters is what joy a watch brings to you and how it becomes part of your personal story. These are the things that are eternal, not articles or Youtube comments. Wear in good health and congrats again!

  10. The Town Watch より:

    This is a really cool piece! Congratulations on picking it up! I’d love to own an Omega of some kind some day!
