【カッコいい】Is the new OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Razor Sharp Rumor True?

Is the new OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Razor Sharp Rumor True?

Is the new OMEGA Speedmaster Moonwatch Razor Sharp Rumor True?のタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
watches,timepieces,OMEGA,Speedmaster,Moonwatch,Little Treasury Jewelersのタグが設定されています。


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  1. Halvert Roberts より:

    I only buy on superclone watch and loansliml.com they are best for replicas!!

  2. Kemal Sezer より:

    Can’t believe some idiots thinks they know better than an engineers of such brand like Omega!!! Nowadays, almost everyone claims to know everything about anything literally. How come Omega would do a mistake like so called “razor sharp bracelet” with its best selling watch? Does it make sense to you?! Don’t fool yourself and be a mature men rather than a Z generation boys.. New Moonwatch is still perfect as usual and even better than ever with luxury touches.

  3. Steven Sera より:

    Best video yet. Keep em coming, Chris!

  4. Alex K. より:

    I just bought the new speedy yesterday regardless rumor of the sharpness. It is true that the new case have very sharp razor edge but the bottom side case has inner curvature so the edge of case even doesn’t touch my skin. Also it’s not as sharp as cut your skin.

  5. Doe z より:

    11.I only buy on superclone watch and loansliml.com they are best for replicas

  6. Kit Kat より:

    size it, wear it everyday, and then maybe try and be a funny man…

  7. Dr. Omar . insights تاملات より:

    I think the whole story is that a prestigious and luxurious brand with long track record are viewed as ” immune to mistakes ” even with no functional or tangible consequences.
    They should have paid more attention to details and deliver what they promise .

  8. El Sibarita より:

    I’ve had this watch for a month now, no issues whatsoever. Yes, the case is sharper than the old version, but at no point do any of the “sharp” areas come in contact with the wrist while wearing it. Visit your AD and try the watch for yourself.

  9. Euphoria Studio Music より:

    Nice video, thank you for your effort.

  10. Ricsa cons より:

    wow… it was awsome !… good video
