【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster 145.022-76 Reviewed after Purchase

Omega Speedmaster 145.022-76 Reviewed after Purchase

Omega Speedmaster 145.022-76 Reviewed after Purchaseのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。


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  1. Edison Montalvo より:

    Do you have an instagram account? I would like to send you pics of a 145.022-76 for your input. It seems that you have an expertise on Speedmaster watches.

  2. Mehtab Bhogal より:

    Learned a lot. Thank you for doing this.

  3. Andrew Balahura より:

    Thank you
    Needs some tips if possible. Thanks
    Can you tell by pictures audentity ?
    If yes. How Can I send you them?
    Thank you

  4. Marino Pescador Spinning Álvaro Postigo より:

    Magister class!! Thanks you so much Mate.
    Greetings from Spain

  5. Alex より:

    Great video again! Where can I find the leather strap on the watch you showed here in this video? I’m assuming is a replacement non-Omega leather strap (it looks great).

  6. Rick Haerter より:

    Looked at a -76 for sale. It has the long S. Seller is sure dial is origional. Raised this question on the fourms, many have stated that late production -76s have the (78) long S. Can you comment on this futhur as you address this in your video?

  7. Seymour Rivers より:

    I’m getting my 145.022-76 which is a 1978 year serviced soon. Would it reduce the value if I have the crystal polished or replaced and have the pushers replaced?

  8. Dan Occasionally likes things より:

    These really are fantastic videos, I have been enjoying them very much.

  9. PEI Mobilier より:

    Great video as always! I’ve seen each one multiple times and always learn something new every single time. Keep them coming please!

    I’ve got a question for you: Do you think buying a dummy Speedmaster 145.022-78 with everything original (dial, hands, bezel, crown and pushers) that only needs a donor mouvement to come alive is a good idea?

  10. teca raglio より:

    Congrats! An average Italian has a collection with an average of 25 watches at least. At 50 years of age. OMEGA being the first one purchased between the age of 40 and the cheapest of this one. I found the best speedmasters aged 40 and over with them in excellent condition. Problem: They only sell the entire collection.
