【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Blue Side Of The Moon Aventurine 304. Omega Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Blue Side Of The Moon Aventurine 304. Omega Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch Blue Side Of The Moon Aventurine 304. Omega Watch Reviewのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
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  1. jmccay より:

    Best watch ever!

  2. Kelvin Tan より:

    i cant believe u said “take a look at the hardware and SOFTWARE??”

  3. AJ より:

    Love this watch, but 17mm thick is too much for me. Even 15mm watches are though to wear with everything on that short sleeves.

  4. Drone Master より:

    Here we go again. The beat rate is 28,800 and not 25,200 as you described. Are you ok? That’s the 4th review at least that I’ve seen where you got the beat rate wrong. How is that even possible?

  5. wheelsatwork より:

    I can’t get used to this

  6. Nicholas Johnson より:

    No one has done a good video on this for a while. Thanks for showing it off properly.

  7. David より:

    Wow.. RIP days watches was classic and beautiful 🥺

    These fashion watches will be worthless

  8. Bodhi Sattva より:

    When is the Chartreuse Side of the Moon special edition coming out?

  9. Veronique Lebon - Jans より:

    Nice. But to big for me. 🧐

  10. SP より:

    Correction* the Gold moon on this one is hand engraved, not laser ablated. Same with the 18k Yellow and Sedna variants of this watch.
