【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch CK2998 LE 311. Omega Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch CK2998 LE 311. Omega Watch Review

Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch CK2998 LE 311. Omega Watch Reviewのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
luxury watch,pre-owned watch,Tim Mosso,watchbox,buy sell trade,watch review,omega speedmaster,first omega in space,omega limited edition,omega watches,omega speedmaster review,ck2998 limited edition,speedmaster ck2998,omega ck2998 limited edition,omega panda,omega panda dial,omega speedmaster professional,chronograph watch,chronograph review,chronograph,omega,omega review,luxury watches,luxury watches for men,speedmaster,entry level watches,speedyのタグが設定されています。


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  1. Onat Dag より:

    Love the Design of this watch, but would prefer it in 42 mm. Thanks for the video.

  2. Smeag Scientist より:

    The Omega Deadmau5 Edition has returned

  3. JayeBird JB より:

    If I could afford a watch like this beauty, I couldn’t buy it because it is a solid case back. Gotta see the movement.

  4. James .Yi より:

    I have the blue 2016 version, only one of many watches I have other than Rolex that actually went up on the price..

  5. Richard Vono より:

    Absolutely love this version. Working in the fitness field, the pulsation scale really sings to me. Buuuut I got offered a birth year Speedy and couldn’t resist. Maybe down the line? 😬

  6. Colin Dirt より:

    It´s my favorite watch but was too late to buy…got the normal moonwatch instead

  7. Randy Allen より:

    Really like this more compact case version of the Speedy and it’s a really great drivers watch……..except for the pulsation scale. On the other hand, who really uses the tachymeter scale and this is a stylish looking watch!

  8. Liping Lin より:

    What is insane about this watch is that it has a pulse metre. Why not a tachymetre?

  9. HayBob より:

    If I ever go driving on the Moon, this is the watch I will have on…..Goodman Tim..

  10. Gel Mibson より:

    Great Dial. Good that I tried that on. It felt like grandmas pillbox on laces.
