【カッコいい】Hidden Gems | OMEGA Speedmaster Michael Schumacher Editions | Crown & Caliber

Hidden Gems | OMEGA Speedmaster Michael Schumacher Editions | Crown & Caliber

Hidden Gems | OMEGA Speedmaster Michael Schumacher Editions | Crown & Caliberのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
Hidden Gems | OMEGA Speedmaster Michael Schumacher Editions | Crown & Caliber,Hodinkee,hidden gems,crown and caliber,OMEGA,speedmaster,Moonwatch,Speedmaster professional,speedmaster racing,formula 1,Michael schumacher,limited edition,legends edition,omega speedmaster Michael schumacherのタグが設定されています。


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  1. loopBloke より:

    Schumacher moving to AP has killed all omega has done which is why despite it was a true enthusiastic piece has lost its luster. A watch being amazing made alone won’t stand to make it collectors item. Which is why Paul Newman succeeded coz he used only that watch he wore.

  2. SP より:

    I hope Mick Schumacher reaches the level to become an OMEGA ambassador one day

  3. Ballaz より:

    Schumacher 🐐 what a era from 1994-2006 in the F1 this watch is beautiful im finna cop a fullset omega with the red dial on a steel bracelet

  4. Dean Kontos より:

    the 2000 edition is the best looking by far

  5. Geniusclicks より:

    Mark is a genius 💡 Wish my wallet doesn’t meet him, all his gems I would buy 💰💰

  6. Jageris より:

    Hi, I dont find story behind blue edition with CART logo on 6 and without. It would be great to know more about this watch.

  7. Buwsur より:

    Have you guys done a video on the 42mm column wheel automatic Speedmaster Schumacher The Legend series? Lots of interesting colors there!

  8. Brent Veit より:

    You should look at the 3520.53, there isn’t much on it. Interesting colour way, and Schumacher did advertise it.

  9. Eduardo dominguez より:

    Which will be a good price for a Yellow dial Michael Schumacher?

  10. NEC より:

    Hi, I am pretty sure you know a lot about watches , in fact you always get these gems; but unfortunately it is seems to me, with a lot of respect, that you do not know about F1.
    The best one was Fangio, considering he won 5 championship with 4 different teams, not Schumacher, either Hamilton
    So please does not repeat as a “ monkey” what others says
