【カッコいい】Unsure about the new Omega Speedmaster Professional Moonwatch

Unsure about the new Omega Speedmaster Professional Moonwatch

Unsure about the new Omega Speedmaster Professional Moonwatchのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。


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  1. The Gorn より:

    I will never own a watch with male genitalia at 12. It’s subliminal and the people who *do* buy this piece are actually closet homosexual, whether they realise it or not.

  2. The Gorn より:

    It’s ergonomically garbage. Manual winding of a watch with the crown buried in the case gets real old real quick. I appreciate it, but I’d appreciate an auto rotor and solid caseback plus 100m of water resistance even more.

  3. Chilam より:

    I genuinely don’t think anyone’s angry about the coaxial escapement on the new Speedmaster

  4. johnny Bgood より:

    Great video, than-you!
    I’ve always dismissed the Speedy 42 assuming it would be too large on my 7” wrist and I don’t like the 38mm so I was amazed when I tried this yesterday. Looked absolutely spot on size wise and that bracelet is next level of comfort. Love it!

  5. Nadeem Bhanji より:

    This is a pretty good review. I ended up going to a local AD and saw this side-by-side against the Seamaster, I was left unimpressed. It just has a plain design that doesn’t work for me. When the light hits the watch, you can see the matte almost gray finish, by contrast the Seamaster glows in light.

  6. dopagony より:

    Agree, I couldn’t care less about the moon landing “history”. I got this watch (hesalite) because its a new-vintage design with a superb movement. Love the looks, how it wears, and the fact that it comes with a hesalite crystal. I really enjoy this watch, but again, couldn’t care less about the moon stuff.

  7. JoseJoeable より:

    The Speedmaster is a cool watch. Last year I was able to get a new old stock of an 1861 on an alligator. I get a lot of compliments and I have seen the new updated one, but just something about the discontinued version I like more. And that hesalite although it scratches easily looks so clear and I love that alligator gives the watch a classic look.

  8. Sofian Maalal より:


    Could someone share the link of the story where WatchOnMyWrist did change the clasp please. I can‘t find it on IG

  9. Matt_D より:

    I’ve recently acquired the Speedy Pro with the cal. 1861 from my bro in law who needed to make room for his collection. The speedy pro was in the chopping block but I grabbed the opportunity to buy it. It’s a 2018 Big Box with all the goodies. It was priced fairly well. He included the new bracelet as well which made the wearing experience on my 6.25” feel incredible. It’s so good that it took the wrist time away from my Explorer 124270. It’s an incredible watch and i love looking at the dial.

  10. Mela P より:

    the new bracelet changed everything about this one and I love it. I had the “old” version and bought the new bracelet. It feels much better on the wrist and looks so good.
