【オススメ】Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons | The Freemasons Explained

Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons | The Freemasons Explained

Spooky Rituals of The Freemasons | The Freemasons Explainedです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

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  1. Rodey より:

    The end is scary… What wasn’t known was invented… As ever people see what they want to see… People believe what they want to believe.

  2. Transatlanticsilkcottonfabrics より:

    You can’t shack up with the devil and expect god to pay the rent.

  3. mapagmatyag a より:

    Big sin to be in free mason

  4. Just Jameka より:

    Masons, eastern stars, job’s daughters and many more like it are nothing but glorified satanic cults!

  5. Leanne Ward より:

    Man is a the destruction of himself through greed and power. But AI and Robots will destroy him anyway.

  6. Marynell Conway より:

    Free masons are a cult and my grandfather was in that cult.. when he died my dad had a masons tombstone placed on his grave .. I wish I could have it pulled up and destroyed ..

  7. Sean yhwh より:

    my experience is they are pure evil serving satan .

  8. Red Butterfly より:

    Bunch of narcisisist

  9. Paul Caucci より:

    A bunch of Antichrists pretending to be philanthropist. My brother-in-law is one and he is an arrogant socialist Democrat liar. He is also a pretentious social climber. But the reality is there is none righteous not one.

  10. curtrod より:

    somebody draw and quarter this man!
