【オススメ】What It’s Like To Be A Freemason, According To Members Of The Secret Society

What It's Like To Be A Freemason, According To Members Of The Secret Society

What It’s Like To Be A Freemason, According To Members Of The Secret Societyです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

freemason lodge,freemason ceremony,Original,Business News,freemasonry,united grand lodge,freemason,Business Insider,secret society,Video,UKのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. Justin Mwewa より:

    How much does it cost to join

  2. Golden 89 より:

    Bizarre AF.

  3. tim より:


  4. Chief Buckketz より:

    Is There really a belief in this Jahbulon? I can get on board with “The Grand Architect of the Universe” as that is a Title not a name and has been and is used by biblical scholars and in Christian religious text. But this Jahbulon if it was true would be blasphemous. It would be pagan if it was an amalgamation of different gods names. Or if it is just an alternative name for god it is certainly not one that is recognised like Yahweh of Jehovah and I turn would be “taking the Lord’s name in vain”. Could a high ranking Freemason please give me some insight on this? I have family in masonry but only Blue lodge level. I’ve been tossing it up since I was 14-15. I’m now 27. Please can a mason here give me some guidance on this one? As a Christian who loves history and ritual, tradition and knowledge masonry certainly does interest me. Just as Church and Christian history does. But i wouldn’t feel right if I go through it all all the degrees and years of my life to only find out at the very end it goes against all my beliefs.

  5. Dandodod1 より:

    All got fingered at private school.

  6. LisaNYC より:

    Freemasons are all in a very evil satanic cult. Many don’t even know it til they reach a much higher level. Make no mistake it’s evil. They have all sold their souls. I would rather choose Jesus and eternal life than to belong to Satan while here on earth. Yes he will give u everything u desire, but there’s a huge price to pay. Are u ready to be thrown in hell with him? Coz like garbage you will be THROWN into hell . Is it worth it? To have this world but lose your soul? Soon these Freemasons will show their true colors to the world. And everyone will see the truth. Choose wisely. Your eternity is at stake

  7. who? より:

    all of these men are some of the best men you will ever meet

  8. Jimmy Jack Corn より:

    a peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory

  9. Rico C より:

    Freemasons are satanic. But only the top level ones. They worship baphomet. How do I know. I was told by one.

  10. The Real Hot Chocolate Company より:

    Are the masonic lodges like foreign embassies in all the nations? Deceaving the nations, embassies of The World Government?
