【オススメ】Joseph Smith and Masonry | Now You Know

Joseph Smith and Masonry | Now You Know

Joseph Smith and Masonry | Now You Knowです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

free mason,mason,joseph smith,was joseph smith a mason,masonicのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. Ralph より:

    Oh my gosh that’s horrifying. The masons have subverted so many institutions.

  2. Mike S より:

    *Just because some of America’s Founding Fathers were Masons, doesn’t make Freemasonry a Righteous creed and it certainly does not mean those founding fathers were righteous men.* For all we know Ben Franklin could have a hot seat in hell with his name on it.

  3. Mango on a fork より:

    Freemasonry is simply a satanic cult. It is not an organization that has your best interest in mind.

  4. Brooke Smith より:

    Latter Day Saints… open your eyes and see the truth. This is not what Jesus wants you to do. Satan appears as an angel of light…. do not be decieved.

  5. Jena Wilson より:

    It’s the Masonic rite. More perspiration than inspiration

  6. ANJA F より:

    Freemasons is nothing but DEMONIC!!!


    Their secret books passwords handshakes etc….are ancient teachings passed down for ages of the FALLEN ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!

    Ppl better wake up!

  7. Californian Prepper より:

    I listened to a testimony of a man who died, God showed him Joseph smith in hell, some of his followers were there as well & they were furious because he had led them astray with a false gospel. The angel of Moroni was there as well, the man who died said it had such an evil face. God warns about turning to false Gospels in the Bible and adding or taking from its pages. This is your warning

  8. CasaCoasta より:

    Why would all this really be necessary though. I mean- in just a pure ideology about the nature of God. Cryptic? Secret rights? The whole existential positioning of coming here to get tested 🌍
    Good and evil?
    It’s called duality and polarity. It’s just a balance like ☯️
    The purpose of which to experience physical reality- evolve spiritually.
    I was a member for life, but I simply cannot believe God would would make a checklist for us and you’d have to be part of “a club.”
    Come on man…
    It’s bigger and better than that.

  9. NkaujHmoob Zoo より:

    Freemasons are devil worshippers. We should NEVER be a freemason or be part of any religion/church that supports it.

  10. Jav V より:

    Why should we believe an ignorant or lier about this topic? The nukber of testimonies that Masons practice devil worship are abundant (said by ex-core members around the globe) which explains the sinful behavior of Joseph Smith as well as the manipulation of receiving revelation from God, just has Mohammed.
    You should be brainwashed into believing his words came from God, just look his lifestyle.
