【オススメ】FREEMASON and MORMON?! | with Brandon Cole

FREEMASON and MORMON?! | with Brandon Cole

FREEMASON and MORMON?! | with Brandon Coleです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

Saints Unscripted,3 Mormons,LDS,latter-day saints,mormon,mormons,saintsunscripted,mormonism,understanding mormonism,mormon church,mormon lds,lds church,Jesus Christ,Jesus,Christ,christian,religious,religion,christianity,Bible,faith,is god real,belief,reason,logic,doubt,Freemason,Freemasonry,Free mason,Mormon and free mason,Free mason Mormon,LDS and Freemason,Joseph smith,Joseph smith free masonのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. Christopher Stowers より:


  2. Alan Tomlinson より:

    Freemasonry is evil at its core.
    Check out Altiyan Childs.

  3. maxwell morgan より:

    I’m a Mormon and I love ❤️ masons

  4. Joe より:

    Mormons need to actually read the Bible and not follow what they are told. Like necromancy using seer stones and dead Indian demons like Moroni or see the Bible verses Smith stole from the Bible

  5. Joe より:

    Smith saw God? No mortal could look at God nor has any prophet before

  6. Joe より:

    Don’t be fooled Christianity is not a secret society Freemasons and Mormons are satanists. The only way to heaven is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who brought salvation. Good deeds will not get you there. Jesus Christ said lest a man be born again

  7. Joe より:

    Jesus Christ did not speak in secret and the freemasons are a satanist order forcing members to take blood oaths something the Bible warns against. The Mormons use satanic symbols pentagrams on a temple instead of a cross on a Church. Jews and satanists use temples not Churches

  8. Jonathan Gatto より:

    I’m a Mormon and a Mason

  9. henochparks より:

    I am LDS and hold a current Temple recommend. I am Master Mason, a Mark Master Mason, and a Royal Arch Master Mason. I study the Early Christian rites and know where you can find those that have been restored by Joseph Smith that were had in the Early Christian Church, but unknown in Joseph Smith’s time. I was raised Roman Catholic, went to Catholic school, and hold a library card of a famous Catholic Abbey which has a copy of almost every Early Christian text of the first 500 Years. Since LDS Temple rites are sacred I will not go into detail but if we were in the LDS Temple we could clearly discuss many elements of the The Endowment the were had but lost until they were found recently. In fact I have showed my Masonic brothers elements of Masonic rites which are thousands of years old that they and non Masons thought were solely Masonic, but are Hebrew Temple Rites or Early Christian Rites. If you ask a LDS Temple attender what the purpose of the Endowment is they might not know. If you ask a Mason what the purpose of Masonic rites they might not know. However if you know both of these organization’s rites purpose, you know that the LDS rites is an Early Christian rite and the Masonic Rites are elements borrowed from ancient unknown sources. Where did the Masons get bits of ancient rites? No one knows. I have read texts unknown to anyone until the mid 20th century that have expressions which are an exact match to LDS Temple expressions. There are LDS rites which are not used by most Christians today that are matches to Early Christian rites. Your listeners might study the original versions of the Holy Unction/ Chrismation Rite. The Holy Oranz Rite. The Holy Marriage Rite of the Orthodox Church in it’s earliest complete form. They may also decode Chapters 1-3 of the Revelation of John. It is clearly Temple Ritual. I hope this helps.

  10. T'ukux Runa より:

    I think LDS is the only Christian group that is openly welcoming to Freemasons. As said in the video, both are usually target of conspiracy theories.
