【オススメ】How to Become a Freemason: the Step-by-Step way to join a Lodge

How to Become a Freemason: the Step-by-Step way to join a Lodge

How to Become a Freemason: the Step-by-Step way to join a Lodgeです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

mason,fraternity,charity,brotherly love,Freemason,Masonic,The Lost SYmbol,Dan Brownのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. ice cube より:

    I studied architecture just to become mason

  2. Rodrigo Milian より:

    I Don’t get y your p of s stick figure scanke how plays a song at the j wallmart that I went to today, I will not go there no more because of crazy bia , our potention relationship has been over a long time ago decades ago , your crazy scanke rat bia needs to forget I exist , you can’t fix wat u did yesterday .

  3. Tladi Masilo より:

    I am from South Africa and it is always my dream to be a Member if there is anyone out there with all my respect willing to help please help me 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. SHADRACK Wafula より:

    How can I join

  5. Samuel Mwambegu より:

    I want to join

  6. mugwump242 より:

    Hi! I’ve been watching your vids and appreciate the info you’re providing. Thank you. I’m interested in joining a lodge. I’ve just begun looking into it. However, I feel hesitant to reach out because I’m a 48-year-old in the process of going to college, full-time, for a career change (happily, I was able to build up enough savings through my years of work up to this point to afford the opportunity). Here’s the crux of my hesitancy. Due to my full-time student status, although I am still employed, I’m maintaining that employment at only a minimal level (far less than full-time). I have the impression that employment is an important factor when a lodge is considering a petitioner (and this makes sense; it’s valid and reasonable that a man must be able to financially sustain himself). I also understand joining entails a certain commitment — both financial (dues, etc.) and in time/study (the latter particularly in the early stages of the Masonic journey). I know you understand why I, as a mid-life college student, would have concerns regarding these aspects of joining. I would love to hear your *_personal opinion_* regarding whether you think I should wait to reach out until I am once again fully employed. My preference is to avoid delay but do you think that’s the best course of action? I understand anything you might say is solely your personal thoughts on the matter and also generalized because no one person can speak for every lodge or jurisdiction. Thanks a lot for any insight you might be willing to provide.

  7. thandar shwe より:

    How to connect with the group?? ..My dad was a member of mason in Myanmar. Is it true that Free Mason support to people who are in need.

  8. Wade Adams より:

    Can “The Golden Rule” be considered a higher power or does it have to a supernatural higher power?

  9. kyei charles より:

    what if you are not in the state, Canada or Mexico? cause You cant move to the next step if you select Other.

  10. Wesley Simms より:

    I AM a good man ,but too bad I have been in some legal trouble before>DARN ! Hey but keep up the good work fellas, and god bless. I can still give from my heart and help to improve things here in some way shape and form. After all it is in my bloodline to contribute. I know my greatest grandfather was a worshipful master and an amazing architect of 1 of 2 North American gothic cathedrals in Texas. MY mom says we are related to George Washington ,Napoleon,and General Jubal Early. IDK should I still petition? there might be a place here for me someday. I will say , I desire to do better be better,and make better. Any rate ,I know enough about the order and I AM a working progress. I love GOATU for he has given me more than just one miracle.I AM a bionic man now I AM a giver , and I wish to give back with great contribution .Bring on that AMC MOASS 2023 boys!!!Then Lets go and we can Give !
