America's Book Of Secrets: The Rise and Fall of Freemasons in the U.S. (Season 4) | History
America’s Book Of Secrets: The Rise and Fall of Freemasons in the U.S. (Season 4) | Historyです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
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The older I get, the more ive come to realise the USA was founded on witchcraft. And their yeast of evil has spread to much of the whole world
Soroities and the like are secret societies by another name…
All secret societies originated in Scotland in the 12th century- the jewel in the demonic Crown of Free masonry- ‘Lodge Mother Kilwinning’
Britain, well actually Scotland is known as the cradle of witchcraft- (don’t shoot the messenger)
Alpha kappa, skull and bones- the knights templar, masonry are ALL branches of the same demonic tree.
Anyone who yokes themselves to a secret society is covenanted them and their generations to the occult.
Please repent. Ask yourself do you really want to go to the lake of fire… really like think about it being tormented for eternity..
Fall? Really? They run everything.
This is basically a tabloid channel.
Lets call it what it is. LUCIFERIANISM. The Satanic star in Washington says it all.
Zvalah? 🤣🤣🤣 I’m positive destiny is extremely masonic.
William should of kept his mouth shut!
Masons created the Federal Reserve. AKA IRS . People should really look at what and how that all went down . E PLURIBUS UNUM was no longer recognized and money changed besides the vile evil behind it . We are now slaves .
What makes me fascinated is how engrained the free masons and skull and bones society is in our society and world leaders and how much secrecy it holds. The most youll ever get is a rare admission of a president saying they were a member in school/ finding secret free mason emblems everywhere or places where theres hidden structures along with apocalyptic propaganda/ artist rendering
Seems like people are agreeing they’re a force for good. First time I’ve seen that. I have to say it though , I don’t like people near me , I don’t like people talking to me and I’m not good out of my comfort zone. Hypersensitive. I pass this building regularly and maybe I can walk by now without feeling so awkward.
I’m still having trouble getting out of this mess though. They make me crazy and the police are like , ” Why is he so crazy ? ”
To be honest though , I never , ever had a problem in Philadelphia. Hopefully it stays that way ✌️
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