【オススメ】Five pointed star – Masonic Dictionary #shorts

Five pointed star – Masonic Dictionary #shorts

Five pointed star – Masonic Dictionary #shortsです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. 787Speedbrakes より:

    My lodge here in England is named Pentalpha. Our lodge website gives the following explanation to the symbol:

    The word “Pentalpha” came into use in the English language in the 17th century, and means five Greek letters “A”. It is a modified pentagram, with the five lines woven under and over in a clockwise direction, enclosing a pentagon.
    The Greek root word translates as “pentagram”, meaning five straight lines.
    Other confusable words, often misused in various contexts, are “pentacle”, “pentangle”, “pentagon” and (incorrectly) the “Seal of Solomon” which in actual fact has six points.
    The earliest existing records of the symbol, with two points up, are in Mesopotamian hieroglyphs, dating from 5000 BC, and “confirmed” by Agrippa (1486-1535).
    Pythagoras, (582 BC to 496 BC) whilst still a young man, travelled to Ancient Egypt, and Babylon, where, for many, many years triangles with sides of three, four and five units had long been used to make squares and right angles for surveying and building purposes. Brethren examining a Past Master’s collar jewel should remember to refer to the diagram as the 47th Proposition of Euclid, and not Pythagoras’ Theorem!
    Pythagoras and his men and women disciples called this pentagram “Hygieia”, which translates as “health”, and is the root of hygiene. They were influential in philosophical and religious teachings, and in the health and well being of their communities. Their concepts encouraged virtue and a strict conduct. It is said that the Hippocratic Oath is based on their principles. Their obsession was to reduce everything to numbers, and predict the cyclic movements of the planets, the moon and the sun, so proving the harmony of the Universe. To them the Pentagram was mystical perfection, concealing the pleasing proportions of the Golden Section, used to such good effect in so many ancient buildings. Each of the five lines is intersected by two of the others, and the various ratios of the parts, and of a whole line divided by the distance between two points, all give the irrational number of 1.618…. [known to mathematicians as “phi” ] the Golden Section or Number. This phenomenon engaged the Pythagoreans’ attention some 2,500 years ago and they and many others since have considered that the symbol had mystical properties.
    The disciples of Pythagoras used the symbol as a badge of recognition, and in time, they spread to other Greek city-states, taking their benefits with them. Their badge became associated with healing, and good luck. It is noticeable how many of these querulous and fiercely independent mini-states used the device on their coinage. In Europe, by the Middle Ages, the symbol was thought to bring good fortune, and to ward off illnesses.
    To the Freemason, the Pentalpha represents the Five Points of Fellowship, and like eternity, has neither beginning nor ending.
    For practical reasons it is suspended from one of the vertices, and appears mostly to have fallen into disuse in the Craft. In Freemasons’ Hall, London, there is one suspended over both of the Wardens’ Chairs in the Grand Temple, and our Grand Master has one as part of his badge of office.

  2. B X より:

    Sorry to say I don’t quite agree with this. No offense. Pythagoras symbols are all around ancient Masonic writings. Including the 5-pointed star has a huge significance and the blazing star is on ancient drawings going back to 1700s. It’s not just an American thing. Though it appears in Europe, the Imperial stars or what we call “Star and garter” seems to have usurped it in some areas considering Imperial spies were suspicious of freemasons. In other words, the American version has stayed true to the test of time. While Europe kept undergoing changes. Fellowship is the Pythagoras symbol. It wasn’t “a symbol of health”, it was fraternity, brotherhood. It was a sign of recognition. It’s literally on George Washington’s apron. Books talk about the upside down dog star as well. Sorry to upset some people about Pythagoras: Pythagoras did not eat a vegan diet, he did not live in a commune, he was not an Indian ascetic, and his symbol was not about healthy living, it was about academia and fraternity (brotherhood). The 5-point star has its origins in Egypt, I’m sorry that some people will find this offensive. Oh BTW, this is why 5-point stars appear in all of American revolutionary flags.
