【オススメ】What Do Freemasons Actually Believe?

What Do Freemasons Actually Believe?

What Do Freemasons Actually Believe?です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

grunge,freemasons,secret societies,fraternity,masonsのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. Grunge より:

    Did any of the beliefs of Freemasons surprise you?

  2. Just a Mason より:

    Funny… Sherlock Holmes was written by sir Arthur Conan Doyle…who was a Freemason

  3. SOULREBEL999 より:

    The Jesuits love to hide behind a frontman as in some kind of boogie man scapegoat to take the blame for the criminal behavior of the Jesuits, that’s why they put puppet clowns like the Rockefellers (Ashkenazi Khazarian bloodline) in the public so people won’t know who is actually pulling the strings of the world. The Jesuits either directly or through their other puppet secret society’s (e.g. Freemasonry) or puppet government agents have killed a lot of honest decent political leaders over the years and they continue to do so anytime they want. The Jesuits do not tolerate any resistance from anybody, they are extremely blood thirsty. The Jesuits killed Christ Druze bloodline descendants Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy because these presidents and their bloodline stood against the Jesuit agenda so the Jesuits eliminated them. The reason John F. Kennedy had to fake his death and why Donald J. Trump (another Druze descendant) was such a target for the deep state Freemasonic Jesuit Cabal was because they were the last presidents that tried to do something good for America

    All the bloodshed, heart ache and misery for the past 500 years can easily be blamed on the Jesuits. The Jesuits were the guys committing the Inquisition on innocent people in the “Dark Ages” doing all kinds of torture and murder all over Europe. Because of the terrible persecution committed by the Jesuits, the pilgrims immigrated to America to start a new life where they could have freedom and live in peace. The early American pilgrims later became the Americans that founded the United States of America where they fought tooth and nail to keep their guns and their freedoms. The early American patriots kicked the Jesuits and the Jesuit redcoat puppets out of America and established a constitutional republic where every American was a sovereign, that could live a good life because they had the freedom to do so.

  4. TopCityGhostHunts より:

    So are you apart of the freemason as your saying hopefully it’ll go back to its original roots?

  5. Willam Tanski より:

    They believe in child molestation or Judaism

  6. Gagan Mehta より:


  7. vasari corridor より:

    U will never see this sign in front of a lodge
    why all the secrecy ,what do they fear, what are they afraid of.
    If there is nothing to fear then open your doors , let the public review your
    books observe your rites, audit your finances. JFK was spot on,
    an effort to discredit him ensued and everyone knows what happened to him.
    This has all the indications of a dark sinister endeavor cloaked in
    in philanthropy and patronizing silly old men wearing cute red hats
    driving little kiddy cars. “They” have infiltrated every aspect and every
    level of our lives ..in secret, in stealth ..whether academic education military
    medical media government enforcement or main stream religion for the
    sole purpose of redirecting and filling the ranks with there own.

  8. Paul Kvothe より:

    dont believe: know

  9. AnjalE より:

    The “G” and triangle symbols Freemasonry uses is DEMONIC

    G – stands for GADREEL aka Satan that ancient serpent we call the devil

    The triangle is the alchemy symbol for FIRE

    Cain made a pact with satan – his brothers life – in exchange for “power”

    Cain ofcourse was deceived by satans cunning evil and LIES

    Satan made Cain a master builder of STONES

    In exchange cain planted a seed into the bloodline of mankind – the seed of the serpent

    Thats why the Stone Masons symbol is the G and triangle

  10. Creative Tips より:

    The bottom line is there are things the general public will never know because they are sworn to secrecy. However nothing is hidden from God. He sees it all and He is not into secret societies. Repent!!!
