【オススメ】What is Freemasonry, and what do Freemasons believe? | GotQuestions.org

What is Freemasonry, and what do Freemasons believe? | GotQuestions.org

What is Freemasonry, and what do Freemasons believe? | GotQuestions.orgです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

Got Questions,GotQuestions,GotQuestions.org,GotQuestions.com,What is Freemasonry,What do Freemasons believe,Freemasons,Freemasonry history,Freemasonry explained,Freemasonry vs Christianity,Christianity vs Freemasonry,Freemasons explained,Freemason beliefsのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. John Barrow より:

    Psalms 14:12

  2. Epoc より:


  3. Mounir Mahrous より:

    God blesses you pastor

  4. Jay Lee より:

    sounds like Gnosticism. mixing the pure things of God with the common and filthy things of the world

  5. Jay Lee より:

    Revelation 2:9

  6. Dale Meyer より:

    Thanks for the Effort.
    Be Well

  7. Juuu Hamp より:

    Of you white just come out

  8. Timothy Koeser より:

    If what you are saying is true why did George Washington place a Bible in the corner stone of the Washington Monument?

  9. Harry Sollmer より:

    1)My friend did you know king James the 6th was a freemason who liked men.
    2) all freemasons @ initiation are given a wooden box with upright compass and upsidedown 90° ruler logo on the box when they open The box Wowowee a KJV holy bible with The freemason logo.
    When you open Bible youd’e Think maybe it’s some crazy weird Mason manual No! It’s the KJV holy bible from Genesis to revelation… What why would they have a Bible because they really believe yesuah was a Grand Master freemason Of The highest level and this is why they really believe Him as a magician using the powers of The universe the cube just like the One in Mecca they believe they are God’s just like Yesuah Hamachiach said. They literally take that scripture as they are God’s. So who created the constitution of United union of USA who signed the 13 signee representatives of The 13 parties of 13 states and 33 total representatives. They were all freemasons.. and Benjamin Franklin a grand master freemason who believed in sacrifice of babies they found under his floorboards of His house .

  10. crashoppe より:

    As a Mason i know that at its core, 1st and foremost it is simply “men building better men”. at the local level you will not hear much at all about religion at any Masonic Temple. perhaps in the upper level of the Illuminati there are satanic rituals, goals for world domination, etc but the average man was not born into that family and will never make it to the top. fairly accurate video but seems to be focus of religion which is fine. I’m not here to shake any ones belief
