【オススメ】Can A Catholic Be A Freemason? | Made for Glory

Can A Catholic Be A Freemason? | Made for Glory

Can A Catholic Be A Freemason? | Made for Gloryです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. @brockedwardsmusic より:

    As someone who doesn’t necessarily agree with this stance I appreciate the fact you didn’t overly sensationalize your explanation

  2. @user-ci7we9of6p より:

    freemason are not older than the bible is so no

  3. @Hydra-dr8hd より:

    No, a Catholic can not be a freemason
    *IF anyone in the comment section says otherwise do not believe that… person*
    May God have mercy on their souls

  4. @S2K00 より:

    Fr. Michael how can the faith look with such negativity to an organization that makes good men better? Yet within its own ranks has a rampant problem with pedophilia. There is an entire branch of Freemasonry that is derived from the Knights Templar, the crusaders for Christ. The Catholic church during the Spanish inquisition has killed more people then an Freemasonry in history. I find it VERY hypocritical of the faith to tell its members not to be part of a group that does so much good for so many communities. It makes me REALLY question my faith Fr.

  5. @Bensmith... より:

    I’m being attacked by a “demon” that doesn’t stop buggin me. It tells me it’s gonna get me sick & that Ima get “shot” etc. I’ve been prayin, but it says that I won’t win. They are people at work that are part of it! I can see what they do. Then it’s words bein added after?
    If I say
    Later I’m hearin “pien” it repeats words after I say it?

  6. @kellycox より:

    catholics cant be freemasons because you cant be a pedo in the freemasons

  7. @landryalexander7902 より:

    (2/2) the church of England is tied to the United Grand Lodge of England. The ban os not based on God’s Word but based on history and human resentment.

  8. @landryalexander7902 より:

    Freemasonry is not a religion. It is a Fraternity of men from different walks of faith.

    Catholic push against freemasonry is duento King Richard VIII pushing Catholics out of England after her was not granted a divorce from his wife Catherine who is Catholic. (1/2)

  9. @Krakkras より:

    you can also be yourself and be good, and cool and have hope for the beter anyways.

  10. @Harlemworldboy より:

    I’m a Freemason and a Catholic. Freemasonry isn’t a religion. Actually Freemasonry encourages each member to be a better religious man.
