【オススメ】Christianity’s Darkest Secret Revealed by Freemason #spirituality #gnosticism #mystic #god #religion

Christianity’s Darkest Secret Revealed by Freemason #spirituality #gnosticism #mystic #god #religion

Christianity’s Darkest Secret Revealed by Freemason #spirituality #gnosticism #mystic #god #religionです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. @morgueofficial より:

    🔥Watch the full video: Is Christianity a LIE? 33rd Degree Mason Reveals the TRUTH…

  2. @waldenneemncan4319 より:

    Every major religious group says basically try essme shut love and no hurt even the gnostic bible say that even down to lgbt being bad like the gods who made the universe not the material world says there always was a balance of make and female here so what’s your point what else could they be hiding but at the same time I don’t know the “hidden teaching” they hid from us but if so how is making the world a less sinful place had

  3. @PaulBrawl-lc7gz より:

    Christianity is freedom to serve the good commandments of God in His Word

  4. @PaulBrawl-lc7gz より:

    Holy Spirit is Christian’s teacher not man or satan

  5. @PaulBrawl-lc7gz より:

    The devil’s a lie

  6. @Nik45868 より:

    Common sense goes a long way PEOPLE

  7. @Nik45868 より:

    God is a MONAND!

  8. @Nik45868 より:


  9. @Albanzas-lq8lf より:

    I’d this is true, explain to me why I have witnessed two people I know (who before were very sinfull) get saved? Explain to me why I am 100% free from my sins. Don’t get your “evidence” from a freemason, get it from the true Word of God! God bless you!

  10. @reyvillegasjr166 より:

    Ppl who believe exactly what they are told and what some “book” who we have no clear evidence of it’s creation is mind-blowing 😵 religious sheep’s will immediately turn down ANY scriptures,stories,events,and info that is not “canon” by the modern kings James Bible… Even tho these fake scriptures have dates of when they were actually written and has an explanation of why it was taken out or lost. I mean do ppl not know about pope Gregory and all the reforms he made to the church.. testifying that he took material out of holy scriptures bcuz it didn’t meet what they wanted the ppl to do??!🤬🤨😳 WTF!! If they so open to admitting something Ike this?? Imagine what they hide?? How could u believe the Bible completely when they said they took stuff out and re worked sum stuff if this is supposed to be the Christian/Catholic guildbook to salvation and gods holy word??? You have the new testament being written 100s of years after the events of what happened by people that weret even there. How can u be 100% sure 😅 just cuz it says “ya it’s me God,just like it’s written..yea that’s exactly how I told the first guy to write it thousands of years ago” how do u know that guy wasn’t just hearing stuff,crazy,or the actual devil pretending to be “God” …beware of the false light all you Christians..you are all bowing down to the real Lucifer pretending to be the true God
