【オススメ】Can a Christian be a Freemason

Can a Christian be a Freemason

Can a Christian be a Freemasonです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

Freemasonry (Membership Organization),Religion (TV Genre),Christianity (Religion),Church,Secret Society (Film Subject),Religion,Freemason,Bible,Theology,Mason,Can a Christian,Can a Christian be,answers,questions,video,questions of faith,faith questions,cult,Conspiracy Theory (TV Genre),Donal Buckley,Irish Freemasons,History of Freemasonsのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. @davidstokes8441 より:

    Because Freemasons worship God as realised by the major religions of the world it is ingenuous to say that Freemasons worship Satan. In fact within the lodge, apart from asking the Great Architect (God) to bless our meeting and benediction at the end there is no mention of religion, or worship of anything at a Lodge meeting. Freemasonry has no gospel, no creed, offers no release or ticket to heaven. Just like any general organisation from Parliament to Rotary.

    To suggest otherwise is libelous.

    Freemasonry encourages all members to be active in their congregation and regular in their worship, to be good, orderly citizens and excellent fathers and husbands.

  2. @cynthiacassel より:

    All authority on earth and in heaven belongs to Jesus. Hail Mary.

  3. @walterkeith3711 より:

    I’m a Christian Roman Catholic actually I seek to join the brotherhood of Freemasons

  4. @jameshughes9351 より:

    I bet the next thing you will say doctor siymbols are satanick?😗😗😄😗😗😗😗😗😗😗

  5. @chrislovely9136 より:

    Losts of misinformation in this

  6. @vestland3877 より:

    Yes you can.

  7. @douglasthomson1169 より:

    The bold Donal is asked to tell ”our viewers” his views on the topic. The only problem is Donal hasn’t a clue what he’s talking about. Cut to the chase in an age where toleration in all forms is supposed to be celebrated, the Catholic Church and some Reformed denominations problem with Freemasonry is that whilst it’s members are predominately Christian it welcomes members from other religions, and has done for over 200 years in particular Jews and Muslims. In my own city a predominately Jewish Lodge elected a Muslim as its Master 20 years ago. Cutting to the chase when I attend my lodge meeting tomorrow night, I’ll happily sit alongside friends of whatever faith they follow.

  8. @gerardbabinusmc-davscotish3871 より:

    Masonry is often confused as a religion. Remember this Men not GOD created religions. GOD gave men faith and a mission, masons live to fulfill that mission.

  9. @heritage195 より:
  10. @productivecitizen2066 より:

    Fuck Lucifer and his stankin’ ass!!!
