【オススメ】Inside Scoop: Freemasons Reveal Truth Behind The Illuminati

Inside Scoop: Freemasons Reveal Truth Behind The Illuminati

Inside Scoop: Freemasons Reveal Truth Behind The Illuminatiです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. @Tom.F611 より:

    Freemasonry is not a product of the enlightenment era. It’s safe to say that it’s a product of the renaissance era.

  2. @mr.monster91666 より:

    I would love to be a Freemason I have a local Lodge that meets every first Tuesday of the month one of these days I need to go

  3. @CPCC1977 より:

    You have done a good job in keeping your oath, brother. As all brothers and fellows have done for several hundred years.~

  4. @SnifflyRex より:

    York right is firmly connected to knight templars! He cracks me up that he claimed them to be a romanticism very crafty with his words to make it appear as though they do not exist and neither does the illuminati

  5. @kiamlong374 より:

    333 comments/G

  6. @Zeaiclies より:

    The Original Bavarian Order is a live and well and we do not advertise for Members or ask strangers for donations or cash.

    We control absolutely nothing but ourselves.

    I have been a member for almost 28 years and my Grandfather was a member before me.

    Also, there are very few actual celebrities in the Order and certainly not Jay Z.

  7. @badassbillybrown より:

    The illuminati are very prominent in America. They are very prominent in the world I was offered to join, and I was offered anything that I desired, but I had to pledge my allegiance to Satan. And I decided that it was not something I would’ve wanted to do with my soul because I believe in the Lord Yeshua Ha Machiach! And I would never give my soul over to anyone for money

  8. @sergioquintero9776 より:

    Had me cracking up in the end

  9. @chodaboy566 より:

    In two weeks i will be accepted as an EA, I am excited and looking forward to the future and ready to become a better man and a better person to the world….

  10. @josephthornton8560 より:

    Hello Brothers, Master Mason of Colorado here- displaced into Louisiana. I try to explain to people that the Illuminati is fiction, it is not real anymore and not associated with Freemasonry. Try as I may, people refuse to believe.
