Inside Scoop: Freemasons Reveal Truth Behind The Illuminati
Inside Scoop: Freemasons Reveal Truth Behind The Illuminatiです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
Inside Scoop: Freemasons Reveal Truth Behind The Illuminatiです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
Freemasonry is not a product of the enlightenment era. It’s safe to say that it’s a product of the renaissance era.
I would love to be a Freemason I have a local Lodge that meets every first Tuesday of the month one of these days I need to go
You have done a good job in keeping your oath, brother. As all brothers and fellows have done for several hundred years.~
York right is firmly connected to knight templars! He cracks me up that he claimed them to be a romanticism very crafty with his words to make it appear as though they do not exist and neither does the illuminati
333 comments/G
The Original Bavarian Order is a live and well and we do not advertise for Members or ask strangers for donations or cash.
We control absolutely nothing but ourselves.
I have been a member for almost 28 years and my Grandfather was a member before me.
Also, there are very few actual celebrities in the Order and certainly not Jay Z.
The illuminati are very prominent in America. They are very prominent in the world I was offered to join, and I was offered anything that I desired, but I had to pledge my allegiance to Satan. And I decided that it was not something I would’ve wanted to do with my soul because I believe in the Lord Yeshua Ha Machiach! And I would never give my soul over to anyone for money
Had me cracking up in the end
In two weeks i will be accepted as an EA, I am excited and looking forward to the future and ready to become a better man and a better person to the world….
Hello Brothers, Master Mason of Colorado here- displaced into Louisiana. I try to explain to people that the Illuminati is fiction, it is not real anymore and not associated with Freemasonry. Try as I may, people refuse to believe.