【オススメ】On the Freemasonic Roots of the Ecumenical Movement – St. Seraphim of Sofia

On the Freemasonic Roots of the Ecumenical Movement – St. Seraphim of Sofia

On the Freemasonic Roots of the Ecumenical Movement – St. Seraphim of Sofiaです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. @OrthodoxWisdom より:

    At 7:17 St. Seraphim begins speaking about Freemasonry, but the preceding is important context to understanding the whole approach of the ecumenical movement and leading figures like John Raleigh Mott.

  2. @Jeremiah-pu5vp より:

    The context warning above about freemasonry is an indication that you’re speaking the truth. Thank you!

  3. @DanielStivenPradera より:

    United Stated was founded by Freemasons to destroy the Christianity in the western world and sadly they have success

  4. @SuperGogetem より:

    Nailed it.

  5. @HickoryDickory86 より:

    A desperately needed message for today. Saint Seraphim of Sophia, prayer for us!

  6. @machinotaur より:

    Wait, Freemasons did YMCA? Dang it! This is like learning that the Salvation Army isn’t just a thrift shop with an aggressive Christmas fundraiser all over again!

  7. @elsoil3387 より:

    Again, Freemasonry – or the devil – or the jews – or someone else… Don’t you guys have anything better to do? How about focusing on your own spirituality instead of blaming others. The very fact that knowledge is at our fingertips is enough to bring down any religion that claims it is the “Absolute” Truth. Here’s some wisdom from a great American philosopher, Manly P Hall – a 33rd degree Mason too. Look how truly “demonic” his words are:

    “I believe that comparative religion is a basic necessity for self-improvement. This may be denied by those who feel that one faith is enough. It should be remembered, however, that adherence to one religion has a tendency to encourage some degree of bigotry, and the most terrible unholy wars recorded in history have been fought over dogmas too small to live by. Having transcended the idea that the beliefs that we have accepted are the only ones that are worthwhile, we free the mind from criticisms and antagonisms and that kind of exaltation which arises in those who believe in the infallibility of their own opinions.”

    You have bigger fish to fry than genuinely good people trying to bring people of different faiths together.

  8. @unseenwarfare9218 より:

    The change of the old calendar was prepared and imposed upon the Greek people by the certified Freemasons Chrysostom Papadopoulos (Metropolitan of Athens) and Meletios Metaxakis (Patriarch of Constantinople) in cooperation with the military coup of Plastiras-Gonatas without the assent of the other Orthodox Churches.

  9. @Cjnw より:

    *A gonosz **#Szabadkőművesség**!!*

  10. @priestmethodiuschwastek7308 より:

    Timothy, do your listeners usually use such vitriol in their communications with Orthodox clergy and others? It is strange how much passion they express while withholding what I presume are very good arguments. Thank you for posting this reading though. It is very helpful to be reminded that even Sergianists in the 1940s were leery of involvement in the WCC. If they had stuck by their position in the 60s and maintained it, at least we wouldn’t be dealing with that now. I love this channel.
