【オススメ】Did Freemasons Shape the Streets of Washington DC? #scottishrite #freemasons #secrets

Did Freemasons Shape the Streets of Washington DC? #scottishrite #freemasons #secrets

Did Freemasons Shape the Streets of Washington DC? #scottishrite #freemasons #secretsです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

Freemason,Scottish Rite,33rd degree,Illuminati,Secret Society,Washington DC,District of Columbia,History,scottish rite freemasonry,33 degree hidden meanings,secrets,maps,lost treasure,national treasureのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. @KelliLynnSage より:

    Bahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahaa. Who is paying this guy? He is nowhere near any level of understanding. They were surveyors . Man you need to get your tools out or did you not even get those yet?

  2. @mikebar42 より:

    Explain the star shape the street makes. I thought the guy who designed it was a mason.

  3. @marvingehman8791 より:

    No but they drew the plans that other people laid.

  4. @nealthomson9505 より:

    They did not personally but the town planners were masons and they were influenced when they made up the plans.

    They gave the plans to the street builders and they were NOt mason but they had to follow the plans. . . . .

    This guy is a liar and im feom south africa and i know it

  5. @chrisborchardt533 より:

    But, they are.

  6. @stewartquark1661 より:

    Whats up with the streets?

  7. @stephanielockhart8028 より:

    They built the USA what do you mean ? Every president ever is a free mason

  8. @stephanielockhart8028 より:

    The obelisk in Washington DC aligns with the constellation of RA. Taurus Aries. It’s very interesting. Occult science, and ancient civilizations are very interesting. So, is astrology, astronomy, numerology, philosophy. Western occultism interests me a lot. But, the more I look into it I realize it’s not worth it. It’s really not a gift it’s a curse. You can spiritually develop without any assistance. Just god. Anyone can open their third eye. Mine started to open because I’m an empath for example.

  9. @maxwellssilverhammer より:

    Sounds exactly like what I’d expect you to say

  10. @dontbefooled132 より:

    Its literally in the same shape as the mason symbol…so just more lies from a mason
