WHY FREEMASONRY has Secrets? (Pt 1) History & Tradition of Mason Secrets #freemasonry #scottishrite
WHY FREEMASONRY has Secrets? (Pt 1) History & Tradition of Mason Secrets #freemasonry #scottishriteです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
Freemason,Scottish Rite,33rd degree,Illuminati,Secret Society,freemasons,what do freemasons believe,freemasonry,freemasons uninvited,dan brown,freemasonry history,33rd degree knowledge,symbols,secret symbolsのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です
You: How many arms should the man in the picture have?
Ai: yes!
My grandfather a 33 degree mason..
Why would you move to a town that already has Masons?
Wouldn’t that town have a church, book store, bakery etc?
Dumb way to explain things.
If this were true.
We would expect to see such societies for Architects, Engineers, and Doctors; as such professions require more knowledge and have greater risk.
We would expect to see such societies for Carpenters, Potters, Scribes, Cobblers, and Smiths to name just a few.
In reality small towns would have hired a Mason for small repairs from a city, or brought an Architect in to organize larger construction. Medium sized towns may have had a dedicated Mason not only for repair but also maintenance. Cities would have had both population and affluence to support Architects and Masons, as well as other craftsmen of varying fields.
Like with wood, Man has been using stone in construction since time immemorial, without need for such an organization.
I will be honest. A secret society is the same as an innocuously named website on the dark-net, could it be a harmless boys-club sure it could be.
In Christianity light/dark are common motif. Deliberate concealment is associated with the dark, and therefore wickedness; compared with works done in public or without care of hiding.
From a Christian perspective secret societies also unnecessarily divide the Church, the Body of Christ into those who are in them and those who are not.
It is also warned against taking oaths in the Bible. Since oaths taken bind you, either to your own flawed will, or the will of something earthly, not of God, and wicked; it also warns against oaths taken by heaven such as to God, Saints, or Mary.
Typically only bad ideas, teachings, and philosophies are gate-kept. As gaining access will give the information value despite it lacking any, famous case-and-point would be Scientology.
Ah, the bookstore that was build for the illiterate 🙂
Informative video nevertheless!
Wouldn’t proving your skills and masonry be better than a weird secret handshake?
… ai art fail .. the man had 3 arms
You either have it or you don’t.
In cutrently going through the Masters Steps. And it’s really informative
Maybe. The Medieval masons weren’t the same as the hard drinking freethinkers who co-opted the name in the 1700s. I don’t think medieval masons would have given a hoot about ancient mysterious rites or any of that nonsense. Proving you were a real mason would take about one day on the work site.
They would, however, need a lodge to stay in while building a castle.