【カッコいい】Omega Speedmaster Silver Snoopy 50th Edition Watch #wristwatch #luxury #fashion

Omega Speedmaster Silver Snoopy 50th Edition Watch #wristwatch #luxury #fashion

Omega Speedmaster Silver Snoopy 50th Edition Watch #wristwatch #luxury #fashionのタイトルです。私もオメガをつけています。かっこいいです。
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  1. @insantbuy2805 より:

    Hope everyone liked this beautiful gem.

    Subscribe to our channel so that we can give new varieties of watches videos week & week out ❤

    Cheers everyone 🎉

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  2. @Radio66699 より:

    Лучше этой музыки нет не чего на белом свете

  3. @user-ht9fr6eh9u より:


  4. @ahmadameerrahwan5838 より:


  5. @thomasmech1823 より:

    How much?

  6. @user-hm1kt2ey7m より:

    i bet this costs like an actual trip to the moon 🙂

  7. @Hohlopidor より:

    Браслет все портит

  8. @SunPyramidHeal より:

    Please, no Mars colonization or Moon mining. Please, do not use nuclear energy or nuclear weapons in Space or on Earth. The Moon is hollow. Moonlight is vital for Earth’s food growth for 20% at night. Moon does not self-rotate. The tidal period on Earth is not related to the Moon. Alien flying saucers pushed the ocean, causing tides to change to 35 days. Alien flying saucers create not only the tides but also the ocean currents. With the sweep of the ocean currents, dead bodies of marine organisms were gathered in several places on the ocean floor, and then the flying saucers press them into the Earth’s crust to generate oil and gas for human exploitation. The aliens have also made coal for people. Nearly every Moon and Planet have aliens living there. Aliens are at least 50 years ahead of humanity. Aliens do not need to eat, drink, shit or pee. Aliens resonate with Sun straightaway. Humans are bad, having wars all the time. Human invaders on other Planets and Moons will be killed. Acts of revenge have started—many huge cyclones around launch sites. In the solar system, only Earth has water; other Planets and Moons have no water. Another Planet that has water is in the Milky Way’s 7th cluster. Please, recycle space junk. Please, no light-reflective satellites in Space; they disturb the sleep cycles of humans, animals, insects, and souls on Earth. Please make satellites smaller to avoid asteroids and meteorites’ impact. Please add coils around the satellite to even out the heat to extend the lifespan. Please, narrow the antenna to the range of Earth only, do not broadcast messages beyond Earth. Aliens can see everything on Earth by reading Akashic records. https://www.youtube.com/@kuwei.9352/search?query=月球 https://www.youtube.com/@kuwei.9352/search?query=火星

  9. @MrBendayho より:

    How much?

  10. @YasinGutaale より:

    What a Beautiful watch ❤
