【オススメ】How Freemasonry Views the Bible

How Freemasonry Views the Bible

How Freemasonry Views the Bibleです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

Masons,Freemasonry,Bible,Religion,Religious,Masonic lodge,Grand lodge,Rituals,Prince hall,Fraternity,Fraternalのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. @imcool5766 より:

    I am a mason knight templar and 32nd °
    Her point is absolutely true ,how ever every degree is based around the old testament and a few are about the new testament.
    We will accept any faith but the degrees are only biblically themed so we don’t have very many men of the Muslim of Hindu faiths cause they find it to not suit them after they join .

    Also even if a Muslim joins his book has to sit next to the open Bible, because it is masonicaly illegal to open a lodge with out the Bible being open.

    But yes she absolutely true.

  2. @jv123z. より:

    I cannot get over how stupid we sound sometimes when we really think we are educating someone. That is dangerous.

  3. @jv123z. より:

    Why do people speak on things they don’t understand? Masonry does not infringe on your belief system. Only that you have one… some lodges may have the Bible, Quran and the Torah all in one lodge. This is simply because the teachings are universal. Sheesh. Some of yall really need to stay off of the interwebs.

  4. @RugErDAh1tman より:

    Yea. Muslims can have the Quran on the alter.

  5. @sierraleone813 より:

    They even have Satanic bible. Some worship Wicca.

  6. @collegefootballtouche2633 より:

    Man hush, you have a whole short up about Christianity being forced on slaves. But you’re up and down on this one comparing Freemasonry to the Christian Bible. White folks literally conquered kingdoms under the name of the Christian ‘GOD,’ but nowhere in ANY translation does it mention “forcibly convert non-believers.”

    Cut it out

  7. @Official-Beatz より:

    There is no Muslim Lodges

  8. @deirrikethesmurf8261 より:

    Yal lost! Just taking away from scriptures and adding ur own? Wow! You will confess and give an account upon the Lord

  9. @christianlee5208 より:

    And? Other religions exist too and they feel just as strongly as you do about their religion. Sooo I fail to see UT point lol

  10. @marcomoton3449 より:

    Any mason can worship any religion, until they reach that 33 and have to make another choice.
