$40,000 for George Washington Freemason Coin?! | Pawn Stars | #Shorts
$40,000 for George Washington Freemason Coin?! | Pawn Stars | #Shortsです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
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One of the only Honest guys in the business ì
Picks it up without gloves!! Some professional!!
Jim Carrey ❤
You pay me 5 bucks to take it off your hands
Ricks catch phrase is, i take all the risk so i cant pay that. Hes the biggest con man in america
Best i can do is $100 and a half eaten snickers bar
Half price Rick lost out on this one, valued at40 grand, Rick offered 20, dude walked, great decision
Leave the pawn shop immediately
Can I get your email address or what’s app number I have some stuff to show you to know their value please
“Best I can do is 2 cents, I mean, you’ll basically double your money”- Rick