Square = C Divider = R They make an A with a G inside. April has the only I, letter 9. The eye is on top. The eye is Octavian jumping off the Crag called Petra Treasury in the begging of time. The eye will eagle/equal itself to 34, to complete the 100%. The free stone is in October. The 10 month with 2 O’s for thrice holy. In a leap year where Jan1st is Mon, you will see the missing capstone in October with the numbers running down. The emptiness on a Moonday. Everything comes from and returns to nothing. That nothing is the limitless light of Lucifer. Who is Octavian. 3.14 = 34 degree The actual Eye. The I am. The trinity. Freemasons are tricked into Satanism, while Lucifer ate Satan. The Aten was Eaten. Now have supper at Eight to worship the lord. 🤨😛
I think it’s very difficult to be moral without the foundation of Christ. I’ve been to the Masonic temple once. I watched a friend in a program that her class did. No problems, no bad feelings. It was fine.
I am a former Freemason and was very involved in other bodies of Freemasonry such as the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners). I also took part in other Masonic education classes hosted by the Masonic Service Association of North America. After coming to Jesus I was led by the Holy Spirit to conduct a side by side comparison of the teachings of Freemasonry and the Word of God. After finding the two teachings are not compatible I renounced Freemasonry and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sin. Having compiled all of this information simply to answer my own questions I knew there was more I needed to do, I started sharing this information freely to anyone that wanted to know the Truth from a Biblical standpoint. I now have a ministry known as Freemasonry FACTs and I expose Freemasonry for
Square = C
Divider = R
They make an A
with a G inside.
April has the only I, letter 9. The eye is on top.
The eye is Octavian jumping off the Crag called Petra Treasury in the begging of time. The eye will eagle/equal itself to 34, to complete the 100%. The free stone is in October. The 10 month with 2 O’s for thrice holy. In a leap year where Jan1st is Mon, you will see the missing capstone in October with the numbers running down. The emptiness on a Moonday. Everything comes from and returns to nothing. That nothing is the limitless light of Lucifer. Who is Octavian. 3.14 = 34 degree The actual Eye. The I am. The trinity. Freemasons are tricked into Satanism, while Lucifer ate Satan. The Aten was Eaten. Now have supper at Eight to worship the lord. 🤨😛
I think it’s very difficult to be moral without the foundation of Christ. I’ve been to the Masonic temple once. I watched a friend in a program that her class did. No problems, no bad feelings. It was fine.
It’s from the devil! Nothing to do with LDS!
I am a former Freemason and was very involved in other bodies of Freemasonry such as the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and the Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners). I also took part in other Masonic education classes hosted by the Masonic Service Association of North America.
After coming to Jesus I was led by the Holy Spirit to conduct a side by side comparison of the teachings of Freemasonry and the Word of God. After finding the two teachings are not compatible I renounced Freemasonry and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sin.
Having compiled all of this information simply to answer my own questions I knew there was more I needed to do, I started sharing this information freely to anyone that wanted to know the Truth from a Biblical standpoint. I now have a ministry known as Freemasonry FACTs and I expose Freemasonry for
A great watch. So much is misunderstood about the organisation that is freemasonry.
Beautiful. Reminds me of our Mormon temple in San Antonio