スポンサーリンク 【オススメ】George Washington was a Freemason?未分類 2024.11.04George Washington was a Freemason?George Washington was a Freemason?です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。動画,ビデオ,共有,カメラ付き携帯電話,動画機能付き携帯電話,無料,アップロード,チャンネル,コミュニティ,YouTube,ユーチューブのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です
George Washington repented and became Catholic on his death bed, His Soul was Saved and Set Free. Repent.
Inculcate to know of Gadianton Robbers and their Secret Combinations. Christ is King
The average Mason doesn’t even realize that the ultimate deity of Masonry is Lucifer. Apparently they haven’t read Morals and Dogma😂
I also look up to George Washington, inspite of any human faults he had, but I’m not a freemason.
I’m curious as to why there seems to be such a fascination with the Masons among so many LDS members.
The apron he’s wearing looks very familiar
This is like claiming Christ was a Muslim even though that heresy came 600 years after Christ people like people tittles on people who can’t defend them anymore