【オススメ】George Washington was a Freemason?

George Washington was a Freemason?

George Washington was a Freemason?です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。



  1. @kathleenfrancis1872 より:

    George Washington repented and became Catholic on his death bed, His Soul was Saved and Set Free. Repent.

  2. @Dakshack より:

    Inculcate to know of Gadianton Robbers and their Secret Combinations. Christ is King

  3. @Rpxvision261 より:

    The average Mason doesn’t even realize that the ultimate deity of Masonry is Lucifer. Apparently they haven’t read Morals and Dogma😂

  4. @estherclawson6876 より:

    I also look up to George Washington, inspite of any human faults he had, but I’m not a freemason.

  5. @debbieallengates4770 より:

    I’m curious as to why there seems to be such a fascination with the Masons among so many LDS members.

  6. @JonCampos-kh2bw より:

    The apron he’s wearing looks very familiar

  7. @Machoman50ta より:

    This is like claiming Christ was a Muslim even though that heresy came 600 years after Christ people like people tittles on people who can’t defend them anymore
