【オススメ】”My Dad Was A Freemason” Sniper Nick Irving – Shawn Ryan Show

"My Dad Was A Freemason" Sniper Nick Irving – Shawn Ryan Show

“My Dad Was A Freemason” Sniper Nick Irving – Shawn Ryan Showです。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。

freemason,witchcraft,nick irving,sniper,military,podcast,usarmy,army,shawn ryanのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です


  1. @kimclark655 より:

    I’m sorry it seems like something sadistic with him 🤷🏾

  2. @Gwildor2020 より:

    Now I very much distrust this guy. Never trust a mason!

  3. @brandonsmith8003 より:

    There is no degree higher than that of a master mason

  4. @crimefreestruggles より:

    A gang is a gang whether you call it a secret society or a fraternity. Murder and criminality is the underlying subject matter.

  5. @thomaswells8596 より:

    Don’t care what you do in your life, still did your time in the US military and came back messed up.. And you can’t talk about what you do with the Masons. Unless you’re a mason, you really don’t know what goes on.

  6. @2races1kind より:

    The son of the widow has no inheritance – the Almighty.

  7. @Sonof-uk8sb より:

    Don’t demonize the Founding Fathers. You can thank them for our Republic and Constitution. It is not religion or cult. They serve the destitute and widows and orphans. Stay off the internet propaganda.

  8. @scandalouslando204 より:

    I have a hard time believing anything he says ..

  9. @Rissa7300 より:

    Shady vibes

  10. @logank444 より:

    America was founded by Freemasons, literally half the founding fathers were Freemasons
