Jesse Lee Peterson Interviews a Freemason Grand Master! (#124)
Jesse Lee Peterson Interviews a Freemason Grand Master! (#124)です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
TheFallenStateTV,The Fallen State,Jesse Lee Peterson,Counseling,Faith,Religion,God,Belief,Anger,Stress,Life,Love,BOND,Freemason,freemasonry,Freemason Grand Master,Stephen Doan,ritual,ceremony,religion,fraternity,illuminati,truth,Masons,Masonic,Masonic symbols,secrets,Masonic lodge,self-improvementのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です
X Factor Winner Reveals World’s Secret Religion – Altiyan Childs
FMs take an oath to lie and be deceptive! So the can’t tell the truth and they are against our beautiful Lord Jesus Christ, so the opposite to Jesus is……. you guessed it, that who they follow.
Look you,,, X Factor Winner Reveals World’s Secret Religion – Altiyan Childs
That’s some California hippie-dippie self-help masonry explanation if I’ve heard one.
And the elite satanic cult hides WITHIN the fraternity, like a parasite or cancer. Most members don’t know or would have reason to know about it.
He points to the bible for verification of his beliefs yet doesn’t believe what the Bible says.
He gad to clarify is ge was asking if he thought they were allowed yo join if they worshipped satan and he basically responded that ” if your asking if its ok that they worship a satan that’s bad then no”. They dont view satan as bad and at the highest levels they believe he is the god of this world. Intersting when you learn about it and catch the deliberate way they make sure to say things. Just like politicians
Sounds like his Freemason group is extremely woke! I love how woke people are always trying to tear things apart to change their agenda. Especially organizations that have been around for a very, very long time like this. I think they should nip this place in the bud.
I love how you kept firm on his answering the question. He contradicted himself and couldn’t admit it. You asked him a simple yes or no question. I appreciate this type of journalism❣️
I’m a lawyer
I don’t go to court
Why the repeated question? Sounds more like a psychology session than an interview!