Did Joseph Smith steal the temple endowment from Freemasonry? Ep. 57
Did Joseph Smith steal the temple endowment from Freemasonry? Ep. 57です。私はフリーメーソンに詳しくありません。
3 Mormons,LDS,latter-day saints,mormon,mormons,3 mormon,mormonism,3mormons,mormon church,mormon lds,lds churchのタグの情報です。私が望むのは、世界の平和です
It invalidates anything he did after.
To be associated with the Blood Thirsty organization
Of FM, is a very HARD NO for me.
Truth bears out.
Truth is coming.
The very fact that Joseph Smith was a Freemason or even influenced by them, seals the deal as to why he is a false prophet. If anyone is curious into the true beliefs of Freemasons, you will find some disturbing things. It runs deep in the history of our country. Don’t take my word for it. If you want to get strait to the point, it’s satanism at its core. Start by looking up “can you be a Christian and a Freemason” to get clear non debatable differences in beliefs. Then look up testimonies of those who were involved and got out. If you need more evidence, look up Freemason generational curses, oaths, rituals, symbology. Anyone involved in Freemasonry should get out asap. They trap their followers by making them take oaths and doing certain rituals without understanding what’s really behind it all. Only followers who are 30 rank and above will get all the “secrets” revealed to them. The higher you go the harder it is to get out and you take oaths of secrecy and if broken are threats to your life and very brutal deaths.
your “god” who has once a man from the star system, Kolob Is so weak, he allowed a total apostasy and waited centuries to restore the church? All of your doctrines totally deny historic orthodox Christianity. It is a house of cards.
Nothing suspicious to see here folks!
These are feeble attempts at defending joseph smith. You should see how scientologists defend L Ron Hubbard, they honor and love LRH. The church is making a mistake distancing themselves from Joseph Smith.
Joseph Smith ripped off and incorporated everything he could lay his hands on. The concept that God would required a person to know signs, tokens, and names of tokens to get into the celestial kingdom is ridiculous beyond compare. And that dead people can learn these through living people doing vicarious endowments is absurd. This isn’t even to mention the changes to the ceremony that have since occurred. It’s so puerile and simplistic. There’s nothing impressive about Mormon apologetics.
Maybe the term borrow would be more appropriate.
Not a Mormon, but I sick and tired of people saying that some cultural idea or practice was “stolen”, when the most you can say is that it was “copied.” Stealing means the original owner doesn’t have it anymore! Cultures and practices are not like cars. You CAN’T steal them, only copy them. “Stealing” is cheap and nasty rhetoric for these things, designed to criminalize what is not a crime, and should not be given any credence at all.
Symbolism isnt secondary. Symbolism denotes the essence of an organizations beliefs and history. It has been a language that has been used since the beginning of civilization.
Thank you for this – it put into more eloquent words the thoughts that I was having to explain this.