Armed and Dangerous – 04 – The King and Prince Stig


Armed and Dangerous – 04 – The King and Prince Stig

For all the other cutscenes, check the playlist I made on my profile.


  1. mechrob1 より:

    1:37 to 2:00 and Its playing an obviously lifted soundtrack from Afterlife Ironic considering that game is also made by Lucas arts, but its appropriate at least.

  2. Chris Roberson より:

    maybe it pot to begin with

  3. Gary Johnson より:

    He was a little friendly with the lamb.

  4. Raggune より:

    Gotta admit it, they sound remarkably the same. Even the cheeky humour. 😛

  5. GizmoJunk より:

    No… The voice actor for the King is the late Tony Jay (He did Megabyte on ReBoot, and the Lieutenant in the original Fallout). the narrator for Dungeonkeeper is a man named Richard Ridings.

    (Mr. Ridings is also narrating the upcoming Dungeon game ‘War for the Overworld’ ~which looks to be the closest thing we’ll see to a Dungeonkeeper 3).

  6. Ragun より:

    Dungeon Keeper narrator.. <3

  7. AlexhandrDenthanor より:

    Same voice actors as in Giants: Citizen Kabuto. <3

  8. Cobac より:

    That torturer is the best I’ve seen . I’m pretty sure those guys talked 🙂

  9. Sam Curtis より:

    trippy 🙂

  10. AlexGRFan97 より:

    Rob Paulsen did the voice for Pinky in PaTB if anyone wants to know.
