【体臭は酸っぱい】3 Ways to Never Have Smelly Armpits Again #axilla


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3 Ways to Never Have Smelly Armpits Again #axilla

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  1. @thecornucopiasystem より:

    Doesn’t benxoyl peroxide degrade into benzene, a known carcinogen?

  2. @8Phoenix8 より:

    I just use 0% aluminum deodorant . It works with making your smell more natural. Not getting rid of it completely but matching with it so it isn’t pungent. 😊

  3. @janalu4067 より:

    But what about when hair removal INTENSIFIES body odor??? It is not the dirty kind of smell, but a very distinct one. What about that???

  4. @Rabitz より:

    Horse antiseptic helps so much 🎉

  5. @user-tc4ry5oo7k より:

    For armpits odor:
    Remove hair often (every 15 days)
    Daily Wash armpits with soap
    Daily Apply deodorant (aluminium and paraben free, NOT an antiperspirant – it clogs the pores – very unhealthy. Go with something natural.
    ***Daily Apply perfume ON TOP of deodorant*** – The last two steps combined will kill the smell for a full day. (Do not apply perfume within the 24 hours of removing hair). Please know that applying perfume daily or shaving in order to remove hair or getting laser treatment done for hair removal….after a while may leave slight pigmentation on your skin of underarms, but not smelling bad is way more important. If someone tries to be a jerk and shame your for the pigmentation, kick them out of your life for not being understanding and body shaming you. Detoxing your social environment is key for practicing good mental health. (Although you can apply the homemade paste of baking soda and coffee mixed into some lemon juice on regular basis to decrease pigmentation and apply bio oil after washing this paste).

    For underlegs odor:
    Remove hair in routine (every 15 days).
    Wash between the legs WITH SOAP (preferably unscneted), it will take away the smell between the legs that is caused due to bacterial overgrowth. Dont insert the soap inside, but must wash the entire area from outside at least once daily.
    Specially after going number 2 and after intimacy. Many people have the myth to not apply soap in that area, this is exactly why they have permanent smell in that area. Washing yourself with atleast WATER and then patting it dry with paper towel after going number 1 and number 2 in routine is a game changer, instead of skipping water and using toilet paper only to wipe.
    Please NEVER douche or apply any lotion or perfume in between legs. Our body has a way of cleaning itself from the inside automatically, no need to insert anything or apply scent as it will disturb the ph level. Just wash with soap and leave it alone and practice making it a daily habit.
    Wear cotton underwears for the day and go commando for the nights.

    For mouth odor:
    Brush teeth at least twice daily.
    Floss if you can, or if not, go to a dental hygienist every 6 to 8 months for teeth cleaning.
    Scrape/brush the tongue!! This is where the smell comes from and bacteria loves to stay on the tongue rent free.
    Mouthwash isnt that healthy, unless its alcohol free. Best alternate for mouthwash is warm water with salt in it.

    Needless to say, showering the entire body with soap and shampooing the hair of the head is an instant mood lifter. As our scalp of the head sweats as well (specially when we sleep) and bacteria is formed which causes smell in the hair of the head. After shower, apply moisturizer on damp body for self care. Even if you are on a budget, something as simple as vaseline would do the job as well.

    Even if you cant shower daily, underarms, under legs and mouth hygiene is a must to feel clean and happy DAILY.

    Eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and mobilizing daily helps alot.

    You are welcome 😊

  6. @devikamazumder9229 より:

    One question because sanitizer kills 99% bacteria so if anybody applies sanitizer the bacterias will die reducing the smell right!! So is applying sanitizer on your armpit daily is good or bad ?

  7. @Eroxi3 より:

    Also wearing synthetic materials is a huge factor. Wear cotton or linen instead of polyester or acrylic. No brainier

  8. @Ray-yb3rb より:

    The first photo unlocked my human face disease trauma–

  9. @CatyBee より:

    Bleach baths help too

  10. @wilczajagoda734 より:

    Or you can just accept your natural human smell. There’s nothing wrong in it.

  11. @anormalstudent2263 より:

    I got bullied in middle school and highschool because of body odor.i change to tawas (alum) powder and it works wonder.those deodorant dont work they just block it .tawas is anti bacteria just apply it every 4 hours and change t shirt if sweaty trust me in this one

  12. @roche320 より:

    I had the Botox injections done in my armpits. It did help (I’d say 90% of the time) for about 6 months. If I was extremely hot or stressed then sweat would pour of me still. I will say that it was insanely painful, even with the anaesthetic. I couldn’t go back and have it done again. It requires so many little injections (I had 30 in each armpit) and the anaesthetic doesn’t spread that far. I’m considering going for the surgery to remove the glands completely.

  13. @shortyylu より:

    Hair holds smell… even down there . I can’t stand when people say it doesn’t cause they lie or can’t smell themselves 😂

  14. @MistressOP より:

    a lot of men have super long armpit hairs it’s a turn off. Because you know what happens because of it. Don’t have to cut it all off but trimming some won’t hurt folks

  15. @sexygirlmax2019 より:

    I cant stand antiperspirants. Or deoderants that are white and chalky. I can only use clear deoderants. Plus, I dont want fucking cancer from the talc and aluminium.

  16. @ShimmerBodyCream より:

    Use mandelic acid or azelaic acid to kill the bacteria.

  17. @AmritGrewal31 より:

    What’s next? How you make your sweat smell like Dior Feve Delicieuse?

    Stay hygienic; use deodorant only when sweating a lot. You’ll be fine.

    I don’t understand why we have to vilify being human?
    Oh wait, I do. Because it’s more $ for big pharma and even bigger cosmetics industry

  18. @SanityIsland より:

    Or change your clothes more often. Avoid synthetic fabrics because they definitely smell more when sweaty.

  19. @mishinsuccessful より:

    I think diet has to do a lot with your body smell. Eat certain things or crap and you’ll smell not so good. Eat healthy and stay away from certain foods that’ll make you smell and you don’t have to worry. At least, this is what worked for people around me.

  20. @jackieann5494 より:

    Energy drinks
    makes my armpit stink .
    Weird .
