LACEnano Magnetic Rotary Tatttoo Machine ( RECENSIONE )

LACEnano Magnetic Rotary Tatttoo Machine ( RECENSIONE )

Recensione della famosa LACEnano

La macchinetta rotativa a magnete di cui si parla tanto.
Macchinetta davvero particolare,unica nel suo genere sopratutto per il fatto che si può autoclavare completamente motore incluso. questo grazie alla particolarità del motore brushless quindi senza spazzole che la LACEnano monta.
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La LACEnano potete trovarla QUI:

The LACEnano brushless magnetic drive rotary tattoo machine.

It does away with springs altogether and makes the hit crisper and more adjustable than ever. It uses a brushless motor that just doesn’t wear out and packs loads of power while weighing next to nothing. It uses a classic armature bar but this time the armature bar is made from lightweight aircraft aluminium, so it doesn’t vibrate half as much.

This design also enables full hit and stroke adjustability, while for the first time enabling a complete separation of the RPM to hit relationship. For the first time there is a machine that can hit harder than a coil but weighs less than any rotary ever could.

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