The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová

The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová

Want to learn a new language but feel daunted or unsure where to begin? You don’t need some special talent or a “language gene,” says Lýdia Machová. In an upbeat, inspiring talk, she reveals the secrets of polyglots (people who speak multiple languages) and shares four principles to help unlock your own hidden language talent — and have fun while doing it.

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  1. Hang Khach より:

    For me, out of the road have been the school teaching.In school cram information they blatantly.Outrach,franticly do I fell.Sitting in the chair in an lifefull room do give me the feelinh of boring.So unaproprriate and worth-critisizable is the system(such is an awful system).One day, when everything change, is the system still survise, student will be a free freewheeling oerson.

  2. Rainuriftiann EhziraElwancen より:

    Machoe ele agu re spanole

  3. Mika Mika より:

    Being “In love with a language” led me so far that I can’t stop anymore. It’s a fascinating path to coming to understand others.

  4. n n より:

    – listening
    Here i saved your time

  5. malak hyt より:

    who wants to learn arabic or frensh I can help💙🌚

  6. Saya Toth より:

    What is your mother tongue?

  7. Mai Thu Trần より:

    i would like to have a friend to practice English via videocall or sth, but sadly I dont have anyone ;(((

  8. Hug a language lover lover より:


  9. First name Last name より:

    Самая большая проблема мира это разные языки выбрали бы один язык и двигались бы в одном направлении. Станет намного легче жить, а не то что сейчас живя в созданных искусственных языковых границах.

  10. Dave 1977 より:

    Quran chapter 2 “all non Muslims are the enemies of Allah and must be fought with until Islam is the only religion on the planet”. A supposedly “holy book” declaring war on all non Muslims right in chapter 2. Religion of peace! Lol.

  11. Cassandra Levine より:

    I’m a Chinese learning English.Environment really helps!Coz i dont have it,i dont know slang and abbreviations.Every time i meet these on instagram,twitter and facebook,my brain is blank.

  12. Franco Berola より:

    Now i want to watch Friends in german lol

  13. Franco Berola より:


  14. John Roberts より:

    Brilliant Presentation 👍👍👍

  15. Татьяна Давыдова より:

    Самый простой метод: встречаться и жить вместе с носителем языка, тогда любой выучит и будет говорить свободно и понимать.

  16. Татьяна Давыдова より:

    обычно я понимаю все на англ. яз., когда говорят русские, а тут пришлось напрячься, слишком быстро говорит.

  17. ponpon より:

    I’ve been watching Kdramas for years, yet all I could learn is a couple of Korean words. Also I could not write them if my life depended on it 🙂

  18. Dian Novita より:

    Yeah Twitter and YouTube help me

  19. Nirman Pradhan より:

    I can speak 5 languages, and I’ve a kind of mastery in 2 of them and conversational in 1 of them. I never bother to learn a lot of grammar and just try to imitate other native speakers of the language, which my brain automatically consumes through repetition.

  20. th*u#gl1f3 2.o より:

    Waaa Don’t know Why but this video has inspired me in a way I have never experienced… I’m trying to Learn english and sometimes I get so angry cause sometimes I can understand a video of 1 hour like I am wathching it in my native language (which Is spanish) but I have also found myself with people I can’t understand a simple word from, anyway I’m trying to improve my english everyday, I Love to watch videos, listening to songs and all of that stuff in english… Guys keep it up I think we can do whatever we want if we work hard… Blessings… Any correction on my comment is welcome.
