Math, magic and Rubik’s cubes | Marco Tempest

TED Archive
Math, magic and Rubik’s cubes | Marco Tempest

Marco Tempest wows the audience with amazing illusions using several Rubik’s cubes.

TEDArchive presents previously unpublished talks from TED conferences.
Enjoy this unedited talk by Marco Tempest.
Filmed at TEDActive in 2015.

TED Archive


  1. Marcin Polkowski より:

    say whaaat? nothing special in this video, prove me I’m wrong.

  2. Juan Andres Pinto Pedraza より:


  3. Gordon Aufill より:

    Why does he think he’s smarter than us?

  4. Gordon Aufill より:


  5. Cindy vlogz thots より:

    Why does he always sound out of breath

  6. Marvelous Marv より:

    That is incredible!

  7. Kapil Sood より:

    Lol where my cringy cubers at

  8. Shubham Speedcuber Vibhuti より:

    That’s either a magic trick or some chicanery.
    Cos I am a speedcuber and I know, that shit is not solved just like that.

  9. Dzelion Gurung より:

    Oi Marco, where’s Eddy?

  10. Anel GTR より:

    the cubes don’t have orange side, all the cubes have two yellow sides

  11. Arnab Sen より:

    At 1:25 You will find him distributing the cubes except 16 cubes properly stacked at the base. Also when he accepts the cubes from the audience he keeps it above or sideways not mixing them.

    At 1:30 there were others asking for cubes , even having so many cubes he doesn’t gives them any. Take a look at 2:07 he puts all the cubes given by the audience aside keeping the 16 cubes (that i mentioned) untouched.

    At 2:13 the girl chooses one from those 16 cubes only.

    He solves the cube from 2:28 to 2:32 at such a slow pace. WHAT IS HE DOING HERE ?? he should be at the world Rubik’s championship.

    He then places that cube in the same place for his final trick. where he uses that 16 cubes to make the smiley. 🙂

  12. Ethan より:

    Why does this have 12 comments?

  13. NUKE より:

    Nigga what is this shit? 1st of all where’s the Math? Second of all, why did the audience scramble half of the cubes? How do we know that the girl was not staged? And what’s so important about the smiley face… It’s not a difficult trick, everyone with a basic understanding of how the cube works can do these tricks… so, what was the point of this video?

  14. IntroHelp より:

    he did not use any of the cubes the people messed up 🤔

  15. TeaV より:

    those were the easiest scrambles ever

  16. Kenzo より:

    On one of the rubix cube, it had more than 15 yellow

  17. shailesh pandit より:

    girl did not picked up any cube which is shuffled by audiences………
