The myth of Arachne – Iseult Gillespie

The myth of Arachne – Iseult Gillespie

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From sailors who were turned into pigs, nymphs that sprouted into trees, and a gaze that converted the beholder to stone, Greek mythology brims with shape-shifters. The powerful Gods usually changed their own forms at will – but for mortals, the mutations were often unwanted. Iseult Gillespie shares how one such unnerving transformation befell the spinner Arachne.

Lesson by Iseult Gillespie, animation by Mette Ilene Holmriis.

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  1. Guen Stone より:

    So Athena is the reason why I want to burn my house to the ground

  2. LODOSE より:

    Hold up so you’re telling me basically Athena cheated by using god powers while the mortal could only use basic things like thread and even though she pulled off the greatest thing by beating Athena fairly and it appears she didn’t even brag about beating her Athena pulled off the poor sport routine……. why did the Greeks think so highly of these people

  3. python booty より:

    You know Athena turning a person into a spider in a fit of rage and jealousy doesn’t exactly scream wisdom

  4. Lester john Sy より:

    Thia is why i hate gods of myths

  5. george andrew より:

    Pluto isn’t a Greek god…

  6. mae mara より:

    i have one problem, why can’t you stick with greek names.


    Please do “HOW ODIN LOST HIS EYE” as retold by Catherine F. Sellow. it would be a great help in teaching World Literature here in the Philippines.
    and also “FROM THE ANALECTS” by Confucius.

    Thank You in advance.

  8. black smith より:

    At least kratos killed athena thank you kratos for killing them bitches

  9. Pivot pictures より:

    Isnt it weird that arachniephobia is for spider phobia

  10. Iksha Limbu より:

    Is this arachne fault that she is better skilled or to picturise the god misusing their power i feel very bad for arachne athena should not have curse her she is god and she should have power to control her jealous and anger

  11. Ice Cream Girl より:

    Yeah shes right.the gods use the power to abuse weaklings.heh.

  12. Pisces より:

    No one:
    Athena: wears helmet to a weaving contest

  13. Thomas McCleod より:

    *step on it*

  14. Kaydiasez より:

    Where did you get your source? I have never heard a version where Arachne was boastful.

  15. S u g a r A n g e l より:

    3:27 me when I see a spider after watching this video

  16. Amir Farid より:

    How is Athena the god of Wisdom again ?

  17. Scribble Skrabble より:

    Athena wasn’t being unwise guys Arachne was abusing her weaving skills saying that it was a gift of her own and was practically saying her skills were like goddess level and got a consequence

  18. AquamarineDust より:

    In the version I was originally taught, Arachne claimed to be a better weaver than Athena specifically and that was why Athena challenged her, but ended the same

  19. Anggi Pratiwi より:

    Lol, I didn’t know that Athena was that horrible 😂

  20. MOTH より:

    so thats how webber wasborn

    its all her fault
