What color is Tuesday? Exploring synesthesia – Richard E. Cytowic

What color is Tuesday? Exploring synesthesia – Richard E. Cytowic

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-color-is-tuesday-exploring-synesthesia-richard-e-cytowic

How does one experience synesthesia — the neurological trait that combines two or more senses? Synesthetes may taste the number 9 or attach a color to each day of the week. Richard E. Cytowic explains the fascinating world of entangled senses and why we may all have just a touch of synesthesia.

Lesson by Richard E. Cytowic, animation by TED-Ed.



  1. your mom より:

    The sensations I experience(taste, touch, smell)have become so nuance i cant explain it anymore, its joint obviously…

  2. xForeverEternal より:

    I feel like I vaguely remember associating different things when I was a young child but it must have gone away quickly because I can’t think of what it was, and now the whole idea sounds crazy to me.

  3. Hello Hello より:

    Omg I think I have it I can see AND hear if someone is a Karen

  4. TiaraGaming より:

    For me, all words have a colour or an object. I write a lot, stories and descriptions and things, so when I write something I pick a colour and then I write in thay colour.

  5. Wus Poppin より:

    I’ve always seen cars to have personalities and genders like how certain cars would be male and would probably be a dad (an suv). Idk if its the same thing or maybe bc i was influenced by the movie cars as a kid lol

  6. Misha ASMR より:

    I’m so confused

  7. Akaita Hio より:

    I’d always memorize facts with synesthesia. Like you have five facts to memorize and numbers one to five are white (1), yellow (2), red (3), green (4) and brown (5) in my head. So just search for words with the same color to stick them together, eg “money” is yellow, so it becomes fact 2, “ecology” is green so it becomes fact 4 etc. I memorized so quickly with this method, plus was sure I didn’t forget a fact since I numbered them all

  8. Edward Bliss より:

    The dopamine fix you get from synesthesia is powerful than the dopamine fix you get from smartphones

  9. Bonnniechan より:

    Dosen’t everyone associate numbers with personality?

    I’ve been doing this since I first learned of counting

  10. Mrscur DrawsToMuch より:

    Tuesdays are orange.

  11. Harshul Gupta より:

    I used to think everyone has same. But it’s just me

  12. Harshul Gupta より:

    I didn’t know I had synesthesia until my friend mentioned it

  13. V e n u s より:

    Tuesday is yellow

  14. Jane Hopkin より:

    for me, letters and numbers have color, and sounds have a color and shape, and i also associate people with animals. the name Derek is a cheetah. and it is the color of an over-ripe banana, yellow with brown spots.

  15. Hanisa Fazania より:

    I thought everyone did this too until 2 years ago

  16. Michèle M より:

    My Tuesday is green 🙂

  17. Jess より:

    Lol. when I said to my family the Letter N and the number 4 is Hot pinkish color..
    and the number 1 is yellow and the letter X is red and the letter Z is green, letter M is violet
    Now I know that I’m not alone being an abnormal person xD
    tbh my name tastes like cheese.

  18. • Maya • より:

    Thursday reminds me of rainy days and the color green for some reason

  19. Carrot Fly より:

    So how did you link orange and blue?

  20. taromaryu より:

    did some synesthetic infection suddenly spread cause everyone in this comment section suddenly has it
