3 tips to boost your confidence – TED-Ed

3 tips to boost your confidence – TED-Ed

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/3-tips-to-boost-your-confidence-ted-ed

Made in partnership with the Always #LikeAGirl campaign.

When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner, you’ve probably heard the advice, “Be more confident!” But where does confidence come from, and how can you get more of it? Here are three easy tips to boost your confidence.

Lesson by TED-Ed, animation by Kozmonot Animation Studio.



  1. Filitsa Gougoudi より:

    Wonderful 😍😍😍

  2. Beau Chang より:

    How come it’s only women?

  3. mustache wizard より:

    Confidence: *BYE*

  4. Noexico123 より:

    quien viene x el sacooliveros? :v

  5. Nitin Kathem より:

    Confidence topic good for young girls

  6. Bea B より:

    I think confident is being about achieving anything 💗

  7. Jackson Topley より:


  8. R B-h より:

    This has really helped me improve my social life

  9. Bea B より:

    This really helped my social life 😊

  10. Angela Scianguetta より:

    📲*00212645752301* *Whatapps*📲
    شـبـاب🙋‍♂️ لاحـظـت كــثــيــر كــومــنــتــات عـن تــكــبــيــر الـقـضـيـب وضـعـف الانـتـصـاب وسـرعـة الـقـذف
    ولا يـهـمـك😉 تــواصــلــو مــع الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ الــلــي نــصــحــنــي بــوصــفــة اســتــعــمــلــتــهــا كـم أسـبـوع وحــصــلــت عـلـى نــتــايــج مــذهــلــة🤩🥳
    الــلــي عـايـز الـدكـتـور👨‍⚕️ يــتــواصــل مــعــه الـواتـس اب *00212645752301*📲

  11. SpAnKy Pie より:

    what if you don’t have ability?

  12. Maya OjedaArias より:


  13. Maya OjedaArias より:


  14. Hearts& Rose's より:

    I promised my self 4 years ago when all my children are in full time education I would go to university and get the degree I always wanted. I’m at that point now, I went to the university open day but all I see is failure. I’m not good enough to get a degree . I wish there was a way I can see me succeed!

  15. blockoftofu より:

    I like how her pigtails are like dog ears and move with her emotions and stuff

  16. Raj Chandila より:

    Thanx fir this video

  17. Dane Greenwood より:

    Ah dang. I’m a boy, so I guess I cant have confidence. That sucks.

  18. Pata Pata より:


  19. 1,000 subscribers challenge without video より:

    I love myself

  20. Obaby nation より:

    When Im not confident I :

    1. Watch YouTube on how to be confident
