What happens when you have a concussion? – Clifford Robbins

What happens when you have a concussion? – Clifford Robbins

View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-happens-when-you-have-a-concussion-clifford-robbins

Each year in the United States, players of sports and recreational activities receive between 2.5 and 4 million concussions. How dangerous are all those concussions? The answer is complicated and lies in how the brain responds when something strikes it. Clifford Robbins explains the science behind concussions.

Lesson by Clifford Robbins, directed by Boniato Studio.



  1. MMA brawls and trashtalks より:

    I am a 17 year old amateur boxer and bjj player , should i turn pro in mma ?

  2. Mileram より:

    Before my concussion i was going to sleep at like 1 AM and similar, so when i blacked out and hit my head, i went to sleep at 9 PM and i could sleep like 12 hours

  3. Alexis Burciaga より:

    Wow such a great video with awesome visuals! Really helped me to learn the physiology behind it. Was curious, though, about the toxins released when the nerve is damaged. Any information about what kind of toxin is released and its effect?

  4. I DoesNothing より:

    If OJ Simpson had a concussion, we now know why he killed his wife

  5. Roxana Alvarez より:

    This was great! Thank you!

  6. Cheeseburger Monkey より:

    Real story:

    I had a near concussion in 4th grade at recess

  7. imateapot51 より:

    I call bs on soccer or what everyone outside the USA calls football. Not all headers are the same. Goalie punts and goal kicks are not fun to head but who does those 18 hundred times a year? For every NFL player who got CTE there are thousands of soccer players who headed balls since they were little kids throughout their lives. Where are the millions of cases of CTE in the world of former soccer players? Do an experiment. Kick a soccer ball at a suspended heavy bag. Notice how much the bag moves. Now get a friend in football gear and helmet to run into the bag at full speed and hit it with the helmet and body and notice how much the bag moves. NFL football is like a car accident on every play.

  8. Benjamin Macdermid より:

    This is so educational for me so thank you very much :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) i feel so much smarter already

  9. Mai Cwajbaum より:

    That harpstring music is so, sad. The entire ‘our brains aren’t invincible’ part is so sad. Love the video!

    Where can I get the music?

  10. Bruh Michael より:

    Idc how many concussions I’ve had, but I’ve had a lot. I hit my head on a truck when I was skating, and like last week during my football game, some kid kept on hitting his face mask on the side of my helmet, and I got a concussion

  11. Trillin Kwandibens より:

    y dos the football player look like a ps3 controller

  12. Gdog 04 より:

    Who else watching this with a concussion

  13. ah より:

    Think about the women affected by domestic violence (resulting in multiple concussions 😌) I think it really did a number to my moms brain 😌.

  14. ah より:

    I did a short term memory study as part of a science project in the 6th grade 😏

  15. Flame122345 より:

    So how bad is weekly sparring sessions for the brain ?

  16. Freddy Fazbear And Springtrap より:

    If you ever have a head injury just sleep, as long as you know you’re ok

  17. Alfin Nurhalim より:

    Am I the only one who read it “conciousness”?

  18. Crafty UniLlama より:

    I don’t play sports but I somehow ended up with a concussion

  19. kit4dasumm3r より:

    I got a concussion ad before this


  20. Sofie Nguyen より:

    Finally! An excuse to not go outside and watch ted ed videos!
